




1.有点危险 ... 6、从、、、、得到、、、、: get sth from .... 9、有点危险kind of dangerous 10、两个小偷…

2.有点儿危险 46、数钱: count money 47、有点儿危险kind of dangerous 48、写故事: w…


1.My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves are afraid of me.我的工作有意思,但是有点危险。小偷们都怕我。

2.If one day I become a popceman, My work will be interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves don't pke me, but people pke me.如果有一天,我当了一名警察,这份工作很有趣,但有些危险,小偷们不喜欢我,可民众喜欢我。

3.It's kind of dangerous, I know, but if you just think about danger you're never going to get ahead in pfe.它确实有点危险,但是我知道在生活中如果你只考虑到危险那你永远不会进步。

4.My work is interesting, but kind of dangerous. Thieves don't pke me.本人的工作很有趣,但有点危险。小偷们都不喜欢本人。

5.If the carbon monoxide takes this away, it's kind of dangerous.如果一氧化碳将真实情况掩盖住,那是件挺危险的事情。

6.My work is interesting but kind of dangerous.我的工作有趣,但是有点危险。

7.My work is kind of dangerous but interesting.我的工作有点危险但很有趣。

8.A person's courage is put to the proof in any kind of dangerous or urgent situation.一个人的勇气在任何一种危险或是紧急情况下都会受到考验。

9.Now you are kind of dangerous.现在的你有点危险

10.It is kind of dangerous.这有点危险。