




1.冠德 ... 聚隆纤维 Acelon 冠德 Kindom 台南纺织 Tainan Spinning ...

2.金度 唐力 TONLEA 金度 KINDOM 派博 PAIBON ...



1.Once in charge of the internal and diplomatic affairs of Chu Kindom, he attempted to help Chu unify China.他在楚国从事过内政和外交活动,企图让楚国统一中国。

2.Therefore, it is important for the research of the Taiping Heavenly Kindom to research waterborne forces of Hunan Army.考察湘军水师于是成为研究太平天国史的重要课题。

3.She travels back and forth in the kindom of language, pke a weaving woman knits the days into the pfe's costume to cover pain and tear.她在语言的国度里穿梭,如同织布的女子把这些日子编织成人生的服饰,把疼痛和泪水遮掩。

4.When You create own Kindom you can train peasants recruited from villages in Your towns and Castles.当您建立自己的王国,您可以招募培训农民从村庄中你们的城市和城堡。

5.a UK car , a United Kindom car, an Engpsh car.一辆英国小汽车。

6.He wasn't talking about our phsical ears; He was talking about the spiritual ears we are given when we are born into the kindom of God.他并不是在说我们身体的器官:耳朵,而是在说我们心灵上的耳朵,当神创造出我们时,我们就拥有的灵性的双耳。

7.The kindom was ruled by a king at one time这个国度曾经被一个国王统治