




1.狮子王 肯迪·戴亚蒙德 Candy Diamond 狮子王 KING LION 觉醒枫 KAEDE ...

2.狮王 Merida 美利达 King Lion 狮王 Black Heart 黑心 ...

3.影·狮子王 埃格- Eagle 影·狮子王- King Lion 真·狮子王- Real Shishioh ...

4.狮王泡沫双面胶 Scotch 思高 King Lion 红狮 WING TAI 永大 ...

6.金狮 ... 华富鹰牌( HFP) 金狮( KING LION) 乐美( LOTUS) ...


1.The ass was very happy to see the animals running away from him, just as if he were king Lion himself.驴子很高兴动物们的反应就像它自己就是狮王一样。

2.The old pon is the Lion King, pon ready for the many beautiful gifts and items, the children happy is broken.老狮子是狮子王,为狮子准备了许多精美的礼物和物品,孩子高兴坏了。

3.He said to him, "King Lion, now it's time for me to repay you. "他对狮子说:“狮子大王,现在是我报答你的时候了。”

4.The wolf said quikly, "King Lion, I know you will come here, so I get ready for a chicken to you as your supper. "狼忙说:“狮子大王,我知道您要来这里,所以给您准备了一只鸡当作晚餐。”

5.King pon also provided a law for animals: Animals mustn't run in human's villages steal foods.狮子大王也给动物们立了一条法律:不准动物闯入人类村子偷鸡摸狗。

6.King Lion's Roar headed their number.国王狮子吼排在数字的前面。