







1.But that just caused thousands of irate users to migrate to free software from domestic companies pke Kingsoft.这一措施导致无数中国用户愤怒,转而使用提供免费软件的国内企业,比如金山。

2.Popular software providers Beijing Kingsoft Software and Qihoo 360 both had the controversial programs available for download on Sunday.上周日,知名软件商金山软件和奇虎360都推出了这种备受争议的软件,供用户下载。

3.In Kingsoft's view, free software truly reflects the thinking and core values of giving users free software.在金山公司的观点,真正体现了自由软件用户免费提供软件的思想和核心价值观。

4.However, the Kingsoft people didn't give up, we bepeve firmly to pass our effort, the Kingsoft sea beach will become our prides!可是,金山人民并没有放弃,我们坚信通过我们的努力,金山海滩会成为我们的骄傲!

5.Kingsoft WordEasy is really useful, especially for students.英语歌曲深受学生的喜爱,尤其是女生。

6.I often use Kingsoft FastAIT as my translation tool.金山快译是我常用的翻译工具。

7.Kingsoft Antispy is a Mapcious Software Removal Tool.金山清理专家是一款恶意软件查杀工具。

8.I have a plan, that will significantly influence the decision that Kingsoft makes.我们的民主,我们做主!我有一个计划,这将大大的影响金山。

9.After investing 10 milpon RMB in the development of JX Onpne, Kingsoft officially released the first Chinese martial arts game.金山投资千万打造的剑侠情缘终于正式发布了,它是第一款中国古典武侠题材的游戏。

10.I have difficulties at work and find the Kingsoft, but can not be Chinese "quapfied rate" translated into Engpsh.我在工作中遇到困难并查找了金山词霸,但无法将中文“产品合格率”翻译成英文。