




1.麒麟 KINETIC 天力 KIRIN 麒麟 KNIGHT 骑士 ...

2.麒麟啤酒如麒麟啤酒kirin)的广告,“喝麒麟啤酒(kirin)给人以受返朴归真的感觉。好像来自心里一种本能的渴望,总是让我去寻找 …

3.日本麒麟日本麒麟Kirin)公司(也是卖啤酒的那家)出品。大家熟悉的矮牵牛中的知名品种,波浪(Wave) 、潮波(Tidal Wave)、 …

4.麒麟控股 麒麟控股Kirin)2011年购并巴西第3大啤酒商Schincariol后,正跟本地强敌Gruppo Petropolls争夺巴西啤酒市场亚军。目前巴 …

5.麒麟公司麒麟公司(KIRIN)麒麟公司(KIRIN)隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 prongchun555贡献于2010-11-15 贡献者等级:手不释卷 四级 格 …

6.麒麟控股公司去年春天,日本啤 酒制造商麒麟控股公司Kirin)推出了一款含糊精的软饮料,名为Kirin Mets Cola。 第五节:康师傅 康师傅 …

7.麒麟集团麒麟集团Kirin),是以酒类、饮料类及健康食品类三大主轴做为企业发展重点的集团。酒类包含了啤酒、发泡酒、果汁调酒 …

8.日本的麒麟尽管有一个重要的事实支配着他们的合作关系,华润还是与日本的麒麟Kirin)饮料公司达成一项交易,为中国市场开发非酒 …


1.When asked if a merger with Kirin was one of the options under consideration, she said, "Yes. "当被问及同麒麟的合并是否是正在考虑的选项之一时,她说:“是的。”

2.It is simple. As I have said, the Kirin Tor are already prepared to place the villages under strict quarantine.很简单,正如我所说的,肯瑞托已经准备了一个有着严格的检疫措施的隔离村庄

3.Kirin's culture as a pubpc company tied to Mitsubishi, a big conglomerate, clashes with that of Suntory, a private, family firm.麒麟作为一家和三菱联合公司紧紧依靠的公有公司,和三多利的私人家族化企业文化有着不少的冲突。

4.'The company is still investigating' if any of its products were stolen off the streets, said Kirin's Tokyo-based spokesman, Shinya Izumi.麒麟驻东京发言人泉信也(ShinyaIzumi)说,公司仍在调查是否有产品在街上被人偷走。

5.i ' m so glad that kirin island is still yours , george , " said anne sleepily from her bed" .“我真高兴,吉林岛还是你的,乔治。”安妮躺在床上睡意朦胧地说。

6.Kirin also makes other drinks which were stacked up in its warehouse.麒麟也生产其他饮料,都存在库房里。

7.Kirin had not even started clearing out its main gate on Tuesday .麒麟周二甚至还未开始清理其正门。

8.Kirin Home Textiles is a set design. Production. Marketing as a whole-natural. Pure handmade quilts processing enterprises.麒麟家纺是一家集设计。生产。销售于一体的纯天然。纯手工棉被加工企业。

9.China topped the pst for the first time since at least 1974 the first year for which such data are available, a Kirin spokesman said.麒麟公司一名发言人称:中国第一次有类似数据可记载是在1974年,从那时开始到今天,中国第一次排在了首位。

10.On Tuesday July 14th Kirin and Suntory, two of Japan's biggest beer and beverage companies, announced they were in merger discussions.本周二,也就是7月14日,麒麟和三得利这两家日本最大的啤酒和饮料公司宣布他们正在讨论合并事宜。