



美式发音: [ˈkɪt(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈkitnz]




复数:kittens  现在分词:kittening  过去分词:kittened  




n.1.the young of a cat

v.1.to give birth to young cats

1.小猫 La [化]元素镧 kittens n. 小猫, 小动物 bluebells n. 野风信子 ...

2.小猫咪 ... How Animals Move? 动物如何移动? Kittens 小猫咪 Up Close 靠近一点看! ...

3.两只小猫 母猫 Females 幼猫 Kittens 我们的荣誉 Testimonials ...

5.十一只小猫 ... 10 dogs 十只狗 11 kittens 十一只小猫 12 birds 十二只鸟 ...

6.三小猫 7个月7 months old 三小猫 3 kittens 2男 1女 2 M1F ...

7.十字绣图稿书-小猫 十字绣图稿书-转网布的应用( HOW TO USE WASTE CANVAS) 十字绣图稿书-小猫( KITTENS) 十字绣图稿书-兰花( Orchid Fl…


1.Knight found the kittens, still too small to open their eyes, and brought them back to the vet along with Jope.奈特发现了小猫们,把它们和卓琳一起带回到兽医处。小猫们很小,眼睛都还没睁开。

2.They stopped and stood in a row, and stared up at the kittens. They had very small eyes and looked surprised.他们停下来站成一列,往上盯着小猫们看。他们的眼睛很小并且看起来一副很讶异的样子。

3.Peter and the three kittens knocked on the door of the pretty brick brick. Soon, three pttle pigs came out to meet them.皮特和三只小猫敲打那个精美的小屋的门。不久,三只小猪出来迎接他们。

4.As they tiptoed through the grasses, they came upon Mama Rabit with her kittens, catching the last of the sunshine.当他们蹑手蹑脚地经过草地的时候,太阳最后的一缕余辉洒在了兔妈妈和兔宝宝们的身上。

5.I continued to love all the kittens, but I chose the most unpromising of the kittens as my subject.我继续爱着所有的小猫,但是我选择了其中一只最不起眼的做我的试验对象。

6.Look at the entire ptter and see how the kittens react with one another and with you.看看整窝地小猫并发现它们彼此之间、和你之间是如何交流。

7.But the UN ran schools and he held on to his books as tightly "as a mother cat would hold on to her newborn kittens" .当时联合国开办了一些学校,他紧紧地攥着书本,就像“母猫紧紧地抱住刚出生的小猫”一样。

8.These kittens may be only a couple of weeks old, but they're already precocious enough to go adventuring.这些小猫或许才出生几星期,但它们已能外出探险。

9.Born in the ruins of Rome, Italy, with all the stray kittens, Varone's own sweater kittens have made her into a Televison Personapty Star!跟所有流浪的小猫一同出生于意大利罗马的废墟中,瓦伦自己的毛衣小猫使她自己成为了一名电视明星。

10.The next morning, we found three more kittens lying in a pile outside the door, huddled together for warmth and protections.第二天早上,我们发现另有3只幼猫在门外蜷缩地挤躺在一起,相互取暖保护自己。