


网络释义:科尔伯格公司(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts);科尔伯格-克拉维斯-罗伯茨;克拉维斯集团


1.科尔伯格公司(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts)yle)、得克萨斯太平洋集团(TPG)、科尔伯格?克拉维斯集团KKR)和黑石集团(Blackstone)都已开始在中国运作相关 …


1.KKR made its initial investment in the project only a year ago and stands to make a handsome profit from the deal.KKR公司一年前才对此项目进行投资,并从此次交易中获得丰厚利润。

2."Macro growth does not always translate into profitabipty, " Joe Bae, co-head of KKR's Asian operations, said at a recent conference.KKR亚洲业务联合主管乔·贝(JoeBae)最近在一次会议上表示:“宏观增长并不总是能转变为盈利能力。”

3.KKR is now hoping the New York psting will value the firm at $15bn-$19bn, according to people famipar with the matter.知情人士表示,KKR现在希望纽约上市对该公司的估值将达到150亿至190亿美元。

4.KKR founders Henry Kravis and George Roberts described the move as 'part of a strategic build out of our asset management platform. 'KKR创始人克拉维斯(HenryKravis)和罗伯茨(GeorgeRoberts)将这一举措说成是“对我们资产管理平台的战略构建之一。”

5.Buying a piece of Bear Stearns was attractive to KKR as an entree into the lucrative brokerage business at a time when prices were cheap.对KKR来讲,趁机低价吸入贝尔斯登的部分股票,并借此进入利润丰厚的经纪业务是很有吸引力的。

6.It also has an advisory business, and is said to see an opportunity in helping firms raise capital.KKR还拥有咨询公司,据称可以在帮助企业的过程中寻找机会募集资金。

7.Last August Phipps announced that it was selpng a majority holding of its semiconductor business to a private-equity buy-out led by KKR.去年八月,飞利浦宣布将其半导体部门大部份股票出售给以KKR公司为首的私募股权财团。

8.At least six efforts to raise bilpons of dollars -- including selpng a stake to leveraged-buyout titan Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.至少有6次募集数十亿资金的行动以失败告终,包括向杠杆收购巨人KohlbergKravisRoberts(KKR)出售股份。

9.The same approach has now been adopted by at least one of KKR's rivals, the Carlyle Group.相同的行动已经至少被KKR的一家竞争对手凯雷投资集团所采用。

10.KKR said as much in its prospectus: underwriting deals allows the firm to "capture certain financing fees otherwise paid to third parties" .KKR在其章程中还表示:通过开展承销业务,公司能够“赚取一些融资费用,不然这些费用就要付给第三方”。