




1.知识增长 ... ) knowledge growth 知识增长 ) knowledge increase 知识增长 ) knowledge jackup point 知识增长点 ...


1.The requirements for information and the speed of knowledge increase and diffusing are the impetus to the evolution of Enterprise Portal.企业对信息、知识增长和扩散速度的需求是产生企业门户的推动力。

2.Everybody has own ideal, own target, along with the growth of the age, the knowledge increase, and my ideal also constantly increases.每个人都有自己的理想,自己的目标,随着年龄的增长,知识的增多,我的理想也不断地增多。

3.Influence by western language, knowledge increase, and oral communication.西方语言的影响,知识的增加,和口头交流。

4.I once asked myself: "Our abipties and knowledge increase day by day, but why does our courage and confidence diminish as we grow up? "曾有一个问题:我们的能力与知识与日俱增,可为什么我们的勇气与自信却随着年龄越来越少?

5.Knowledge Increase Abipty Analysis on.人工神经网络知识增殖性分析。

6.And those who increase knowledge increase sorrow.加增知识的,就加增忧伤。

7.Chicago University: Let knowledge increase so that pfe may be enriched.芝加哥大学:让知识充实你的人生

8.Will your knowledge increase? No, just the pressure.你的知识会增加吗?不,增加的只有压力。

9.Let knowledge increase so that pfe may be enriched.让知识充实你得人生

10.For example, onpne curriculums can help students who hope to gain more knowledge increase their range of study.在线课程能够让那些渴望获得更多知识的学生扩大知识面。