




1.昆斯购买昆斯Koons)、沃霍尔(Warhol)、里希特(Richter)、波洛克(Pollock)及弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)等大师 …

2.孔斯其中常用的曲面片有孔斯Koons)曲面、贝塞尔(Bezier)曲面及B样条曲面等。一个曲面片是以曲线为边界的点的集合,这些 …


1.JEFF KOONS is one of the greatest sculptors of all time, say contemporary-art-market insiders, undeterred by the volatipty of his prices.当代艺术市场业内人士丝毫没有被杰夫昆斯(JEFFKOONS)作品价格的大幅波动吓倒,反而说他是有史以来最伟大的一位雕塑家。

2."It was a way of participating in American media, " explains Mr Koons.“这只是参与美国媒体宣传的一种方式。”他这样解释道。

3.Both works by Koons were bought by the Gagosian Gallery, one of Manhattan's premier contemporary art dealers.昆斯的两部作品都是由曼哈顿顶级现代艺术商家之一的高古轩画廊(GagosianGallery)买下。

4.Koons took a marker to the coloring book and colored-in various zones, then removing the image of Piglet front the composition.昆斯在书上做了记号,在不同地方上取色,然后将小猪的图像运用到了作品之中。

5.More than half the buyers were American, leading to a strong show of support for US-favoured artists such as Richard Prince and Koons.超过半数的买家来自美国,使得美国人喜欢的艺术家大受追捧,例如理查德-普林斯(RichardPrince)和昆斯。

6.Jeff Koons will provide a studio visit to the highest bidder and Annie Leibovitz has donated signed copies of her book.(艺术家)杰夫·昆斯将邀请中标者去他的工作室参观;(摄影师)安妮·莱柏维兹则捐出了自己的签名书。

7.Jeff Koons also created an extremely small bunny on a chain that can be seen at the museum.杰夫昆斯,还创建了一个一个可以在博物馆看到链非常小兔子。

8.Steven Cohen, an American hedge-fund bilponaire, also owns works by Warhol, Mr Hirst and Mr Koons.StevenChoen,一位美国对冲基金的亿万富翁,同时也拥有着Warhol,Hirst先生和Koons先生的作品。

9.The series added weight to Mr Koons's reputation as a risk-taker.此系列作品,使昆斯“冒险者”的声名远播。

10.Even better, much of Mr Koons's art is about joy and sex.更令收藏家偏好的是,昆斯的许多作品表现快乐与性。