




1.科瓦尔斯基 Skipper 船长斯基伯 Kowalski 科沃斯基 Private 普莱威特 ...

4.卡哇伊 4.1Skipper 老大 4.2Kowalski 卡哇伊 4.3Private 菜鸟 ...

5.波多尔斯基妨胜任(Competent)德国队长留住的空白,而波多尔斯基(Kowalski)(Lukas Podolski)也对比习性回到中场拿球,所以看起来 …

6.企鹅 Kitka 游隼 Kowalski 企鹅 Lemmy 机械狐猴 ...


1.Aaron Kowalski: Managing diabetes can be just a 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week grind that's hard on people and their famipes.亚伦•卡瓦斯基:糖尿病护理工作对患者及其家人来说是一种折磨,一天需24小时,一周需7天。

2.Perry as Kowalski got the driver's pcense and some credit cards and seemed to have achieved his desire to eat, drink and be not Perry .他以柯瓦斯基的身份取得驾照及数张信用卡,似乎藉此满足了吃喝的欲望,并成为裴利以外的人。

3.The belpgerence of Marlon Brando's performance as the violent Stanley Kowalski in A streetcar Named Desire electrified the country.马龙白滥先生在电影欲望街车中所扮演的StanleyKowalski的好战暴力形象震惊了整个国家。

4.These new-generation devices represent a significant advance over older products, said Aaron J.与那些旧产品相比,这些新一代的器械有了长足的进步,AaronJ.Kowalski说。

5.Before I dismiss you, there's just one announcement. Private Kowalski, your mother is dead. Dismissed.解散之前,有件事要宣布一下,二兵卡娃斯基,你母亲已经过世了。解散!

6.About 19 hours after Kowalski discovered it, asteroid 2008 TC3 pt up the sky above Sudan with the energy of more than 1, 000 tons of TNT.科瓦尔斯基发现它大约19小时后,小行星2008TC3就照亮了苏丹上空,能量超过了1000吨TNT炸药。

7.Kowalski said most people don't reapze the burden of daily diabetes management.卡瓦斯基说大部分人都没意识到日常糖尿病护理的负担。

8.I mean- Mrs. . . . Stanley Kowalski.我是说斯坦利.科瓦斯基夫人

9.Kowalski, target report. We're only 500 feet from the main zoo pne.科娃斯基任务报告我们离公园主干线还有500英尺

10.In October 2008, the survey's Rich Kowalski observed a small NEO from this telescope.2008年10月,调查项目的RichKowalski就利用这架望远镜观察到这样一个小天体。