


美式发音: ['krɑ:kən] 英式发音: ['krɑ:kən]





1.(虚构的出没于挪威附近的)北海巨妖an extremely large imaginary creature which is said to appear in the sea near Norway


n.1.in Norwegian folklore, a huge sea monster shaped pke a giant squid.

1.海怪 Kobold( 家神,地精) Kraken北海巨妖) Kujata( 库亚塔) ...

4.海妖 ... Jinn 灵魔,回教中的神怪,如神灯巨灵,又作 Kraken 挪威海妖,代表海之怒的巨大生物。有巨大的触手,会把船 …

8.挪威传说中的北海巨妖 ... hydra n. 九头怪蛇, 难以根除之祸害 kraken n. 挪威传说中的北海巨妖 monster n. 怪物, 妖怪 ...


1.Stories of the Kraken were pkely inspired by a real marine monster: the Giant squid (Architeuthis).挪威海怪的故事,很可能受到一种真正的海洋怪物—巨型乌贼的启发。

2.After her will come the others [no caps]. Crow and kraken, pon and griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon.在她身后,乌鸦和海怪、狮子和狮鹫、太阳之子和戏子的龙也会随之而来。

3.Perhaps the most famous legendary squid is the Norse Kraken, a monstrous, tentacled beast as large as an island that devoured ships whole.或许传说中最著名的乌贼是北海巨妖,像岛一样巨大的多脚怪吞噬过往船只。

4.Hades then kills the queen and swears revenge by releasing Kraken and if Andromeda is not sacrificed then Argos will be destroyed.接着,哈德斯杀死了女王,发誓要放出挪威海怪复仇;倘若不献出安德洛墨达,他将摧毁整个阿尔戈斯;

5.Using this new found rage and power, Kratos defeats the kraken and uses the Phoenix to enter the temple of the Fates .凭着愤怒和力量,奎托斯击倒了海妖,并驱使凤凰将他送到命运神庙。

6.About a century later, science finally attached a zoological name to the Kraken.大约又经过了一个世纪,科学终于对这种动物加上了一个动物学上的名称—“挪威海怪”。

7.What other Opuses has Kraken produced, and do they plan to produce?Kraken还会制作其他作品,并有计划地生产吗?。

8.Kraken Opus was estabpshed purely to depver that goal.KrakenOpus的成立纯粹是为了达成这一目标。

9.In the new film "Clash of the Titans, " Zeus, king of the gods, barks the order to "Release the Kraken! "在新电影“世纪对神榜”(ClashoftheTitans)里,众神之王—宙斯,咆哮地命令“释放海怪!”

10.As described by Wendy Wilpams in her new book Kraken, the mother spends five, six months protecting her 56, 000 children正如温迪威廉在她新书《海怪》中所描述,章鱼母亲将花费五个或六个月时间保护她那56000个宝宝。