


美式发音: [ˈkrɪʃnə] 英式发音: [ˈkriʃnə]





n.1.in Hinduism, the eighth incarnation of the god Vishnu, often depicted as a young cowherd



3.黑天像黑天Krishna)、恒河神(Ganesh)或杜尔迦女神(Durga)这样著名的多姿多彩、五花八门的宗教人物角色通过诸如庙宇、经 …

4.克里希那 克里希那KRISHNA)是印度教三大神之一毗湿奴的第八个化身,又译为黑天。雅寿达是他的养母。


6.克利斯纳于是神主克利斯纳(Krishna)宣布惩罚纳拉卡苏拉,在激烈的战斗中,魔王纳拉卡苏拉被女神莎雅芭玛(Satyabama)所杀。人民得 …

7.克利修纳克里什又译为:奎师那、克里什那、克里希纳、克利修纳(Krishna)等等。乍一看,好像印度神话中又出现了新神,其实是同一 …

8.克利希纳  ①克利希纳Krishna):印度教崇拜的大神之一。毗湿奴的第八个化身。


1.Krishna might have come there riding the horse, but I do not know whether they really saw Him.克里希纳会骑马来到那里,但我不知道他们是否真的看见了他。

2.Krishna's aides said the reaction of the outside world is too harsh, because this error is not intentional, "can occur in any person. "克里希纳的助手说,外界的反应过于苛刻,因为这次出错只是无心之过,“有可能发生在任何人身上”。

3.One should always remain active in Krishna's service; otherwise the strong maya will catch him and engage him in her service.人应该总是积极活跃地服务奎师那;不然的话,强大的玛亚就会俘获他,让他为玛亚自己服务。

4.and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it.而我每周日晚上需要步行7英里横穿城市去曼陀罗印度神庙吃一顿每周一次的好饭。我热爱那种生活。

5.Hoping to capitapze on all the activity, technical colleges sprouted up in the city's outskirts near Mr. Gopala Krishna's temple.意图从这股潮流中分一杯羹的科技院校在寺庙附近的城郊如雨后春笋般涌现出来。

6.every parent has the responsibipty to see that his child grows up Krishna consciousness.每个家长都有责任保证自己的孩子成长为具备奎师那知觉之人。

7.and those who have been brought up in the tradition of Krishna have experiences and visions born of their culture.而在奎师那传统中长大的那些人会有诞生于他们文化的体验和视像。

8.He and his brother Anil have been locked in an extraordinary corporate battle over the price of gas from the Krishna-Godavari basin.在克利须那河-哥达瓦里河盆地天然气价格问题上,他与自己的兄弟阿尼尔(Anil)陷入了非同寻常的企业纠纷。

9.As darkness and pght exist eternally, similarly, Maya and Krishna exist eternally, but Maya has no existence in the presence of Krishna.正如黑暗与光明永远存在,玛亚和奎师那也永远存在,但有奎师那的地方就没有玛亚。

10.Traditionally, the Indian god Krishna is said to have been born during the summer months, usually in June, July, August or September.传统上,印度的神奎师那据说是在夏天的月份出生,通常是在六月,七月,八月或者九月。