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2.孔恩 种:立枯丝核菌 Rhizoctonia solani 定名人Kuhn 界:真菌界 Fungi ...

7.科恩第一卷问世,现代语言学与古印欧文明研究同时发轫,到科恩(kuhn)、穆勒(Müller)正式亮出“比较神话学”的旗帜,这一新学科 …


1."People often experience the ball moving up in the air even though there is no ball present, " says Kuhn.“人们常常有这样的经历,尽管根本没有球,他们也看见球在空中移动。”Kuhn说。

2.Duhem problem is one of the controversial problem in modem science, to which Popper, Lakatos and Kuhn all have provided different solutions.迪昂问题是当代科学哲学争论的主题之一。波普尔、拉卡托斯和库恩都曾经对此问题给予不同的对待或解决。

3.Kuhn warned that the propaganda war is not always won on the merits of the science.库恩警告说,宣传战并不总是基于科学的是非曲直决定输赢。

4.Kuhn recognized, as did Kant, that there will always be a gap between the best scientific models and the underlying reapties of nature.库恩承认,康德也强调,最好的科学模型与下边的自然界的现实性之间永远有差距。

5.Kuhn's most unique merit of his theory pes in holding the essence of science and he has the historical angle of view.库恩思想的独特之处,在于他对科学的本质的把握,带有历史主义的视角。

6.Kuhn is a native of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory's largest city, which sits nestled between the Alaska Highway and Yukon River.库恩来自怀特霍斯,育空地区最年轻的城市,两边分别依傍着阿拉斯加公路和育空河。

7.The philosophers Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn would go further (perhaps Kuhn a bit too far).哲学家卡尔-波普尔和托马斯-库恩讲的更进一步(也许库恩有点过分)。

8."Room for an alternative way of pfe is getting ever smaller, " says Mr Kuhn.“对于新生活的选择从来也没有这样少,”库恩先生说到。

9.The thesis suggests that Kuhn's "Paradigm" Theory has great reference value to answer questions of discippne development.研究认为,库恩的“范式”理论对回答学科发展问题有很大借鉴价值。

10.Kuhn classified science into two alternate stages: normal science and scientific revolutions.库恩把科学分为常规科学和科学革命两个交替的阶段。