




1.久美 母子街 muzijie网址被屏蔽 酷米网 kumi网址被屏蔽 帮趣宝宝 baobao.bangqu网址被屏蔽 ...

5.龟尾市 ... 泽西市 Jersey C. 龟尾市 Kumi 韩国 Korea ...


1.And Kumi Naidoo, executive director of Greenpeace, said the funding pledge was one of the few "plus points" emerging from the meeting.绿色和平组织的执行理事KumiNaidoo说,这项投资承诺是此次会议出现的少数“亮点”之一。

2.For weeks, Mr. Toba had been too busy to visit the morgue to see if Kumi was there.几周以来,刀羽太一直非常繁忙,都没有时间去停尸所看看久美是否在那儿。

3.The floor is pttered with photos, including pictures of a younger Mr. Toba in a gray suit with Kumi on their wedding day.地板上散落着照片,其中包括身穿灰色西装的刀羽和久美在结婚当天的照片。

4.He called his wife, Kumi, at 2: 40 p. m. , March 11, to suggest they take their two young sons to a barbecue place for dinner.3月11日下午2点40分,他给妻子久美(Kumi)打了个电话,提议晚上带两个年幼的儿子去吃烧烤。

5.A lovely African leopard with curly green hair, Zha Kumi, was chosen to be the mascot for the World Cup in South Africa.长着一头绿色卷发的可爱非洲猎豹“扎库米”成为2010年南非世界杯的吉祥物。

6.It was there that he met Kumi, a native of another small city up the coast.在这里,他遇见了久美,她出生在北边的另一座海滨小城。

7.The body was badly damaged. But it was Kumi.遗体已经被严重损坏,但确实是久美。

8.Development activist Kumi Naido of the Global Campaign Against Hunger, remains skeptical until more details of the plan become clear.全球反饥饿行动共同主席库米·奈杜(KumiNaidoo)表示,在更多的细节公布之前,他对这个计划仍持怀疑态度。

9.After Hiroto became ill and had to quit his job eight years ago, the family moved in with Kumi's mother.八年前弘人因为生病而辞去了工作,他们一家搬进了木村母亲的家里。

10.Same as above. Free exercise against multiple attacks (5 attackers), Tanninzu-take, Tanto tori , Taichi tori , Jo tori and Kumi Jo.同上,对多人(五个攻击者)攻击之自由技、多人挂、短刀取、刀取、杖取及组杖。