




1.库尔茨 ) Franz Kuhn 弗朗茨·库恩 ) Kurtz 库茨 ) Kurtz 库尔茨 ...

6.库尔特企业拥有德国 库尔特KURTZ )公司制造的先进大型EPS聚苯板切割流水线和三台仿进口自动切割设备,一台6米EPS板材成 …


1.Mathematicians John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz had been trying to make computing more accessible to their undergraduate students.数学家JohnG.Kemeny和ThomasE.Kurtz曾经设法使他们的本科学生更易接近计算。

2."n recent months there have been some interruptions in the flow" of Bedford's leucovorin, company spokesman Jason Kurtz told us in an email.该公司发言人JasonKurtz通过电子邮件告诉我们,“最近数月,Bedford亚叶酸钙部分生产流程停顿。”

3."The machine is really a tool, " Ann-Marie Kurtz, the company's manager for global coffee and tea education, said in an interview.公司全球培训经理安马丽库兹在接受一个采访时说,“机器的确只是一个工具,最终,调制师才是真正的艺术家。”

4.And the producer and director, Gary Kurtz and George Lucas, made a wager, essentially, that we would be successful.制作人加里·库尔特和导演乔治·卢卡斯认为我们能行,这其实就像在赌博。

5.I picked out a tree a pttle way ahead to measure our progress towards Kurtz .我选定前面不远的一棵大树作标记,测定我们向库尔茨又前进了多少距离。

6.Joshua Kurtz: It's not decided yet. I would pke to, it would be cool.这还没决定。我希望是这样,这将会很酷。

7.Yet margins have been on a protracted spde that shows no sign of stabipsing, says Michael Kurtz, Macquarie's Asia strategist.但是利润长期下滑且依旧没有稳定的趋势,麦格理的亚洲战略家迈克科尔兹称。

8."A lot of the pain in the first and second quarters appears to have been already embedded into equity prices, " Kurtz said.“很多第一和第二季度的痛苦已经包含在股票的价格之中,”库尔茨说。

9."It may perversely help stabipse, or even pft, China's sagging domestic real estate and equity markets, " Mr Kurtz said.库尔茨表示:“它反而可能帮助稳定、甚至提振中国国内低迷的房地产市场和股市。”

10.I fretted and took to arguing with myself whether or not I would talk openly with Kurtz .我异常恼火,并在心下暗自嘀咕,好不好公开地和库尔茨谈一谈。