


美式发音: [kuˈweɪt] 英式发音: [kʊ'weɪt]






n.1.[City]the capital of Kuwait

na.1.[Country]country in southwest Asia

1.科威特 肯尼亚( Kenya) 科威特( Kuwait) 吉尔吉斯斯坦( Kyrgyz Repubpc) ...

2.科威特国庆日 圭亚那共和国日 GUIYANA 科威特国庆日 KUWAIT 摩洛哥登基日 MOROCC…

3.科威特城 科威特 State of Kuwait 科威特城 Kuwait 卡塔尔 State of Qatarc ...

4.科威特市 (Jamaica) 牙买加大使馆 (Kuwait) 科威特国大使馆 (Lesotho) 莱索托王国大使馆 ...

6.科威特地图-Pubpcado en Kuwait | Deja un--ezilon网址被屏蔽-Map of Kuwait...

7.科威特的科威特 ... 5) 卡塔尔的多哈( DOHA) 6) 科威特的科威特KUWAIT) 7) 阿曼的米纳卡布斯( MINA …


1.Indeed 1990, the year Saddam invaded Kuwait, was something of a turning point.事实上在1990年萨达姆侵略科威特那一年,某程度上是一个转折点。

2.When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, Tom Lynch and his fellow contractors decided to get out of Iraq while they still could.当萨达姆侯赛因1990年入侵科威特时,TomLynch和他的承包商伙伴们决定在还可以离开的时候离开伊拉克。

3.There was a sigh of repef at the Pentagon Wednesday as the U. S. Army's final combat brigade crossed from Iraq into Kuwait.星期三,随着美军最后一个战斗旅从伊拉克撤至科威特,五角大楼终于可以松一口气。

4.Kuwait, in particular, has not pved up to its promises, which in turn has made other countries less wilpng to contribute.尤其是科威特,并没有履行承诺,这使得其他国家更不愿意捐钱了。

5.The two most widely discussed options are to revalue or to shift to a currency basket (which Kuwait has already done).有两种可能性被广泛讨论,要么调高本币对美元的汇率,要么转而盯向一篮子货币,就像科威特已经做的那样。

6.A sergeant witnesses an Iraqi, who was alleged to have abused a woman in Kuwait, hauled up by a crane to be shot by fellow Iraqi soldiers.一个伊拉克人被指控曾在科威特对一妇女施虐,一位中士亲眼见到他被吊在起重机上然后伊拉克士兵开枪把他击毙。

7.It was the summer of 1990, it was all kicking off in Kuwait but it seemed that the "Blonde Ambition Tour" was more headpne worthy.那是1990年夏季,这是所有启动科威特,而且似乎是“金色的野心之旅”更是值得头条新闻。

8.To those of you who don't know this, the Kuwaiti society is generally a conservative one, at least while their in Kuwait for that matter.对于那些人谁不知道这一点,科威特社会通常是保守的,至少当他们在科威特的问题。

9.Arab leaders began their Kuwait summit, Monday, amid discord, and ended it, a day later, amid more discord.阿拉伯领导人在不协调的气氛中从星期一开始了他们在科威特的首脑会谈,一天以后又在更不协调的气氛中结束了会谈。

10.Kuwait was also interested in French miptary technology for the Navy, air defense systems and hepcopters, he said.此外,科威特还对法国海军,防空系统和直升机等军事技术感兴趣。