




1.关 谷 Koo Kwan 郭 Kwok ...

2.邱黎宽也是粉捧的歌,词用醒不来作主题更是不俗,编曲也功不可 …

3.君 YIN 燕 KWAN SHUM 沈 ...

4.关君珺军 kwai 葵桂贵 kwan 关君珺军 kwok 国郭 ...

5.群 (跨越) 框 kwaang1 (框架) kwan4 (群众) 亏 kwai1 ...

6.钧 KWAN 焜 KWAN A AH 亚 ...

7.关德辉 关智斌. 关正杰. 关悦. 关心妍( Kwan Sin Yin, Jade) 关菊英. 关德辉( Kwan, Tak Fai) 高娜. 谷祖琳( Koo, Cho Lam Jo) ...


1.North Korean envoy Kim Kye Kwan did not provide details but said there are still differences that both countries are trying to work out.北韩特使金桂冠没有透露会谈细节,但表示,彼此间依然存在分歧,双方正在努力解决。

2.Betty Kwan Chinn was one of 13 recipients of the 2010 Presidential Citizens Medal, the nation's second highest civipan award.关慧群是2010年度13位总统国民勋章的获得者之一。这一奖项在美国公民荣誉中位列第二。

3.In a meeting with U. S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Mr. Lee's spokesman, Lee Dong-kwan, says the president looked for a new start.李明博的发言人李东官说,李明博在与美国国务卿赖斯举行的会谈中说,他正在寻求一个新的开始。

4.around the vegetable market in convenient five-minute walk to the sea-Qin Li Kwan Square, extremely convenient.周围菜市场方便,五分钟步行到海琴利群广场,方便至极。

5.On August 6, Ms Kwan froze shares worth the same amount and held by the couple by means of two British Virgin Islands-registered companies.今年8月6日,关淑馨法官冻结了黄光裕夫妇通过两家在英属维尔京群岛注册的公司所持有、与上述损失额等值的股份。

6.As you can see in Figure 24, I decided to manipulate the row with last name of "KWAN" and first name of "SALLY" .如图24所示,我决定对lastname为“KWAN”、firstname为“SALLY”的那一行进行操作。

7.Rice said one of Kwan's goals as the first American pubpc diplomacy envoy is to increase understanding of America's people and culture.赖斯说,关颖珊作为美国公共外交特使的使命之一是促使海外对美国人民和美国文化的理解。

8.Based on current growth and currency trends, Mr. Kwan forecasts that the Chinese economy could surpass that of the United States in 2039.基于当前的增长率和汇率趋势,Kwan先生预计中国的经济将在2039年超过美国。

9.From "Kwan brothers, " the fortune to see the road, weave their web of relationships is clearly great weight.从“关氏兄弟”的发迹之路看,他们所编织的关系网显然很有分量。

10.Hi ! I just brewed this Tieh-Kwan-Yin , please give it a try .您好!请品尝一下我们刚冲泡好的铁观音。