




1.巨峰 Keisho 庆长 Kyoho 享保 Mainikki 每日记 ...

5.巨丰 MUSCAT HAMBURG 马拉加玫瑰 Kyoho 巨丰 Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠 ...

6.蜜红9年资料 三、台湾的葡萄品种 品种 1.巨峰 2.蜜红 (Kyoho) (Honey) 来源 欧美杂交系四 倍体 欧美杂交系四 倍体 义大利杂交系 …


1.Kyoho grape in south Guangxi can increase one season's yield by two-harvest-a-year cultivation technique.桂南巨峰葡萄一年两熟栽培技术可增加一造产量。

2.Laoshan the peak called "Kyoho" , also known as "Lao Mountain top" in the middle of Laoshan, elevation 1133 meters.崂山的主峰称“巨峰”,又称“崂顶”,在崂山中部,海拔1133米。

3.The use of Kyoho grape to produce grape wine would promote grape industry development in southern wet subtropical areas.利用巨峰葡萄加工葡萄酒,对葡萄产业在南亚热带湿热地区的发展有积极的推动作用。

4.Fresh seedless grapes and kyoho grapes are depcious .新鲜的没有核的葡萄和巨峰葡萄味道非常鲜美。

5.Comparison Study of Chemical Fumigation and Ozone Treatment for the Storage of Kyoho Grape化学保鲜剂和臭氧对巨峰葡萄贮藏保鲜的比较研究

6.Relationship Between Berry Set and Endogenous Plant Growth Substances in Primary and Secondary Flowers of Kyoho Grapevine巨峰葡萄主梢和副梢坐果与内源激素的关系

7.Response of Different Rootstock Varieties Graft on Productive Performance of Kyoho Grapevines巨峰葡萄嫁接树生产性能表现

8.Fresh keeping Techniques of Kyoho Grape Under Standardization Cultivation巨峰葡萄绿色标准化栽培与保鲜配套技术

9.Effects of Respiratory Intensity and Storage Quapty of Lightly Processed Kyoho Grape in Hot Water Treatment热处理对轻度加工巨峰葡萄呼吸强度和贮藏品质的影响

10.Effects of freshness keeping agent on respiratory intensity and storage quapty of Red Globe, Kyoho grapes保鲜剂对红地球和巨峰葡萄呼吸强度和贮藏品质的影响