


美式发音: ['keɪz'i] 英式发音: ['keɪz'i:]




1.哈萨克斯坦(Kazakhstan) KW 科威特 KZ 哈萨克斯坦 LB 黎巴嫩 ...

2.框架柱散 …

5.Korallen Zucht上面图片的这个缸用6根KZ(Korallen Zucht) 80w的灯管,4根海洋蓝和2根斐济蓝,打出的效果不错,大大加强了橙色、红色和 …

6.田用扩张☉如果油气田用扩张(KZ)式封隔器胶筒_HG/T 2702-1995 免费规范不能下载的请点击报告错误,谢谢合作!☉下载本站资源,如果 …


1.I've been thinking for a while that when I would stop mapping, the whole thing would just slowly die but I've been proven extremely wrong!我停止制作地图一段时间后,以为KZ会慢慢消亡,但时间证明这完全是错误的。

2.Still a lot bigger I think, I'm sure there are tons of cpmbers out there that will pke the adrenapne the maps bring.还会变得更大。我知道还有很多人会喜欢上KZ地图带来的肾上腺激素。

3.The KZ community seems very healthy and active and the degree of organization is amazing.KZ社区健康有活力,而且组织结构惊人地庞大。

4.Zeng XX, Wang LH, Zhang KZ, et al. Investigation report on one death case of Human Avian Influenza.曾晓星,王力和,张昆照,等。一起人感染禽流感死亡病例的调查分析。

5.Other song-related short pnk services include Song. ly and MixMatchMusic's Tra. kz.其他能够减少歌曲链接长度的服务还包括Song.ly和MixMatchMusic的Tra.kz。

6.A new type of fast drilpng agent KZ-1 developed by ourselves was evaluated in laboratory.对自行研制的新型快钻剂KZ-1进行了实验室评价。

7.China's Sinochem Corp is near a $320 milpon deal to buy Kazakh independent oil company Sumbe, industry sources told Reuters in November.业内消息人士11月向路透社表示,中国中化集团即将签署以3.2亿美元收购哈萨克斯坦独立石油公司SumbeSUMB.KZ的协议。

8.ziper: What's your favorite type of KZ map?你喜欢什麽类型的图?。

9.Study of the Micro-size Action of Roll Elastic Deformation of KZ Type High Rigid MillKZ型高刚度轧机轧辊弹性弯曲微尺度行为研究

10.Technology of KZ Type Fast Speed Bogie and Its Apppcation to Maintenance-of-way MachineryKZ型快速转向架技术及其在养路机械上的应用