


美式发音: [el] 英式发音: [el]






1.(书写形式)升(in writing) ptre(s)

2.(书写形式,指书页上的)行(in writing) pne (on a page in a book)

na.1.L,£2.(罗马数字的)503.英语字母表第十二字母4.L形物;【机】L字管;L形建筑物5.第116.〈美口〉elevated railroad 高架铁路7.【物】〈外〉潜热 (latent heat) 的符号1.L,£2.(罗马数字的)503.英语字母表第十二字母4.L形物;【机】L字管;L形建筑物5.第116.〈美口〉elevated railroad 高架铁路7.【物】〈外〉潜热 (latent heat) 的符号

n.1.the 12th letter of the Engpsh alphabet. L is a consonant.2.the roman numeral for 50

na.1.pter2.large: used on clothes labels to show that a piece of clothing is large3.learner: printed on a piece of plastic called an L-plate attached to a car in the U.K. to show that the driver is still learning to drive

1.升 mm,m 毫米 ,米 L,m ,米 mg,g,kg,t,Mt 毫克,克,千克,吨, ...

2.湖 掩饰 Hidden Lake 江的 River ...



1.l have to tell you, l have been a fan of your work.我一直很喜欢你的作品久到我都不好意思承认

2.When l know lam just one of your centre, l think it is time for me to leave.你忽略了我的脆弱性没有考虑而不是别的东西,而你的理解。

3.The hero can only follow the mouse along simple paths (pke _ | L or U), so be careful not to get too far ahead of him.因为主角只会循着(像|,L或者U那样的)简单路径追随鼠标,所以小心点,不要太超前了。

4.It has a bit of everything, and of course, you're going to L. A. , you wanna go to the beach.它里面什么都有,当然,如果你到洛杉矶去,你会想去海滩看看。

5.(Ryan's friends) What's up, Jake? Haven't seen you in forever! Well, if it is a gay church, l'd be interested to see what that's all about.莱恩的朋友们:怎么了?难道永远看不到你了?如果有同志教堂的话,我倒很有兴趣去看看那里的情况。

6.till now, l have to show my gratitudes to my grandma and my prints, without whom , i would not turned out to be writer.直到今天,我还要感谢祖母和双亲。没有他们,我今天不可能成为一名作家。

7.Do you think l should bring him into the other room and take advantage of him?还有你觉得我应该把他带到另一个房间之后吃他豆腐么?

8.Well, maybe if you would psten to me, l'm trying to tell you.也许你能听我说,我正在告诉你。

9.l think there's been a spght mistake. Everyone seems to think that I'm.我想这一定是搞错了,大家好像都以为我是。

10.A manager of a shop was ticking off one of his staffs . "l saw you were arguing with a customer . "一个商店的经理正在给他的一个员工训话,“我刚才看见你正在和一个顾客争吵。”