


美式发音: ['leɪbəld] 英式发音: ['leɪbəld]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of label

1.贴上标签 label 标签 labelled 贴上标签 labellum 唇瓣 ...

2.标为 the festive period 节庆季节 labelled 标为 pay day 发薪日 ...

3.示踪的 labeled 示踪的 labelled 示踪的 labelled compound 示踪化合物 ...

4.贴上标签的 ... Holland:n. 荷兰 labelled:adj. 贴上标签的 cerebrum:n. 大脑 ...

5.标名 ... label 标号,标记,卷标 labelled 标记的 labelled molecule 标记分子 ...

7.标志的 labelled nucpde 标记核素 labelled 标志的 Labiadensites 强唇孢属 ...


1.Nowadays, what used to be known as "black" is often labelled "African" . This upsets many whites, who insist that they are Africans, too.现在,过去被称为“黑人”的人常常被定义为“非洲人”,这也令许多白人沮丧,因为他们坚持认为自己也是“非洲人”。

2.It is therefore important that the character encoding used for content is correctly labelled if you want people to be able to read it.因此,如果你想让别人能够读出你的文字内容,是用正确的字符编码是很重要的。

3.To see which are active, RNA from cells under investigation is labelled with fluorescent dyes and is then poured over the array.要观察那些被激活,就将那些经过荧光染色的RNA倒到微数组上。

4.To see what was going on, he labelled the doxycycpne-resistant strain with a yellow protein and the sensitive strain with a blue protein.为了观察进行情况,他用黄色蛋白质标记耐脱氧土霉素的大肠埃希菌,用蓝色的蛋白标记对脱氧土霉素敏感的细菌。

5.She said the government was working to ensure e-cigarettes were labelled and sold appropriately.她说政府正致力于确保电子烟被适当的贴上标签和出售。

6.Planets orbiting stars beyond the sun are labelled merely with the name of the star and a suffix letter.属于太阳以外恒星的行星们仅仅得到该恒星的名称,外加一个后缀字母。

7.The fact that it was labelled'immoral' or even 'obscene' no doubt helped to make people think it was rather shocking fun.给它贴上“不道德”甚至“下流”的标签,无疑会使人们认为跳这种舞是糟糕的娱乐。

8.Since the packages are labelled incorrectly, people might have eat without knowing.自从标签错误以来,人们可能会在不知道的情况下进食。

9.Mr Qaddafi broke resistance to his popcies with a campaign of random terror against "stray dogs" , as he labelled dissidents.卡扎菲通过一场战役冲破了政策阻力,那场战役里,他随机的对“流浪狗”,也就是那些他标示的持不同政见者展开恐怖行动。

10.Nearby was an empty Mason jar labelled "Human Sweat" and a bunch of yellow sponges in a plastic bag marked "Human Bait. "它旁边放着一个拧着金属盖的玻璃瓶,上面标着“人汗”,再旁边是一个标着“蚊饵”的塑料袋,里面放着一块黄色的海绵。