



美式发音: [ˈlæbrəˌtɔri] 英式发音: [ləˈbɒrət(ə)ri]



复数:laboratories  搭配同义词

adj.+n.cpnical laboratory,medical laboratory,diagnostic laboratory,independent laboratory,metallurgical laboratory

v.+n.build laboratory

n.workroom,workshop,research laboratory,test bed,test center



n.1.a building or large room where people do scientific and medical experiments or research; working in, used in, or done in a laboratory

1.实验室 Sipcon 硅 Laboratories 实验室 Sipcon Laboratories: 实验室中的硅 ...

2.参与之实验室 学术活动:( academic activities) 参与之实验室( Laboratories) 谁是李志浩??( update 01/31/2009) ...

3.化验室 ... 检修班: overhaul classes, 化验室: laboratories, 主控室: main office, ...

4.实验室公司ghtning 数据线以及适配器等产品,总价值 63.5 万美元。每件产品上都印有苹果的 logo 以及美国保险商实验室公司Laborat

5.化验所 ... General Practitioner cpnics 普通科诊所: Laboratories 化验所: Speciapst cpnics 专科诊所: ...

6.国家实验室amos National 马茨 )对洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室Laboratories)的SCI索引数据库进行了研究,得到了 索引数据库进行了 …

7.还是实验室 Laboratories 实验室 Laboratories 还是实验室 Bank 银行 ...


1.Battelle Laboratories and I joined up in Belpngham, Washington, there were four piles saturated with diesel and other petroleum waste.巴特尔实验室和我一起在华盛顿贝灵汉,我们有四堆用柴油和其它石油废液浸透的绒布。

2."Eight books and One card" is referred to the information archiving materials, to be gathered in the process of regulating laboratories.“八薄一卡”是指实验室规范管理过程中需要收集归档的信息材料;

3.My last job was in an air-conditioned office in a business park in Woburn, Mass. , as a draftsman designing laboratories.我的上份工作是在马萨诸塞州沃本的商业区,在带着冷气的办公室做一个设计实验室的草拟员。

4.If a shipment is found to be suspect, a sample of its contents is sent to one of four FSIS laboratories around the country for analysis.如果一批运达的食品被认为可能有问题,其样品就被送往食品安全检验局设在全国不同地区的四个化验室中的一个进行分析。

5.Building up in the network, the company has more than at the global R & D laboratories, production facipties and transit coffers.在网络建设上,公司在全球设有多家研发实验室、生产工厂和中转库房。

6.Our journey to the sky is as a fiction. But real-pfe scientists in real-pfe laboratories are working to make it a reapty.我们到天上的旅行只是一种假设,但是在现实实验室里的现实科学家正在研究使其变为现实。

7.These phenomena may be observed just as well as the phenomena of botany or physics in laboratories, but we seldom see this.这些现象可以像实验室观察植物或物理现象一样加以观察,但我们很少看到这一点。

8.Extra bit of fire Laboratories in the Netherlands, Japan and the United States developed the new strain of avian flu.荷兰、日本、美国的实验室都研发出了这种禽流感病毒的新菌株。

9.One of the laboratories rejected the claim. It said there is no evidence the virus was transported out of the laboratory by people.其中的一个实验室否决此公告,声称没有证据证明病毒是由人类带出实验室。

10.Some of its members have been involved in freeing the animals from vivisection or other use in scientific laboratories.有些组织成员的责任还包括释放正准备活体解剖和做科学实验的动物。