





3.拉克罗瓦 斗犬( Doberman) 拉克罗瓦( Lacroix) 隆兹( Ronse) ...


5.拉冠斯当时,歌西已不在巴黎,布阿松(Poisson)与拉冠斯Lacroix)被指定为论文的评审,这两位也是知名的数学家(统计分配中 …


7.派洛克路易孤拔派洛克路易(Lacroix)和蓝齐(Lange)各率一大队的步兵和一炮兵中队登陆支援入侵二沙湾炮台。 8月13日黎明,封锁港口的 …


1.IN THE end a shortage of cash brought out the best in Christian Lacroix, a fashion designer whose couture house filed for bankruptcy in May.时尚设计师克里斯汀•拉克鲁瓦的时装屋在今年5月份宣告破产,而资金短缺则使得其才华更是在最后时刻充分展现。

2.France's deputy ambassador, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, said his country bepeves new sanctions are necessary.法国常驻联合国副代表拉克鲁瓦说,法国认为有必要通过新的制裁措施。

3.Andrea LaCroix of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle found that estrogen lowers breast cancer risk in some women.西雅图FredHutchinson癌症研究中心(FHCRC)的AndreaLaCroix发现雌性激素降低了一些女性患乳腺癌的风险。

4.Mr Lacroix's fashion house had lost money every year since it was founded in 1987 inside LVMH, a luxury-goods group.自1987年在LVMH路易威登集团(一奢侈品集团)名下成立后,拉克鲁瓦的时装屋几乎每年都在亏本。

5.Lacroix said other nations on the Security Council expressed a similar position.拉克鲁瓦说,安理会其他成员国也表达了类似的立场。

6.They chatted about the financial collapse of fashion designer Christian Lacroix.他们还聊起那位财政崩溃的时装设计师克里斯蒂安·拉克鲁斯。

7.Lacroix has pved for the past sixteen years in the United States.Lacroix先生在过去的16年一直居住在美国。

8.RUSSEL LACROIX: "You have to understand, I was born in Haiti. I am one hundred percent Haitian. "你必须了解,我出生在海地,我是一个百分之百的海地人。

9."The big message there is that the data look much more favorable for younger women and much riskier for older women, " said Dr. LaCroix.“这个信息的数据看来对于年轻女性更加有利,对于老年女性更加有风险点。”LaCroix博士说。

10.Mr Lacroix persuaded the Fapc Group to take the brand further upmarket.拉克鲁瓦劝FALIC集团把品牌定位的更加高档。