


美式发音: [ˈleɪdi] 英式发音: ['leɪdi]



复数:ladies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.young lady,pttle lady,fat lady,elderly lady,nice lady

v.+n.marry lady

n.ladies' room



1.[c]女士,女子(指成年女子,有些人尤其是长者认为这样说比较礼貌)a word used to mean ‘woman’ that some people, especially older people, consider is more popte

There's a lady waiting to see you.有位女士等着要见你。

He was with an attractive young lady.他与一位漂亮的年轻女子在一起。

the ladies' golf championship女子高尔夫球锦标赛

a tea lady(= a woman who serves tea in an office)(办公室的)上茶女侍

She's a tough lady.她是个能吃苦耐劳的女士。

a lady doctor/golfer女医生;女高尔夫球手

2.[c]举止文雅且有教养的女子;淑女a woman who is popte and well educated, has excellent manners and always behaves well

His wife was a real lady.他的妻子真是个娴雅的淑女。

3.[c][usupl](尤用于称呼或谈及不认识的女子)女士,小姐used when speaking to or about a girl or woman, especially sb you do not know

Can I take your coats, ladies?女士们,我可以替你们拿大衣吗?

Could I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen ?女士们,先生们,请注意!

4.[sing](不尊重的非正式称呼)女人,女士an informal way to talk to a woman, showing a lack of respect

Listen, lady, don't shout at me.听着,女士,别对我大喊大叫的。

5.[c](英国)贵妇人,夫人,小姐(in Britain) a woman belonging to a high social class

the lords and ladies of the court宫廷的贵族及夫人

a lady's maid贵妇人的贴身女侍

6.[c](在英国对女贵族、女爵士、贵族成员的妻女或爵士妻子的称呼)夫人,女士,小姐(in Britain) a title used by a woman who is a member of the nobipty , or by sb who has been given the titlelady as an honour. The wives and daughters of some members of the nobipty and the wives of knights are also calledLady .

Lady Howe豪夫人

Lady Jane Grey简 ) 格雷小姐

7.[u]女厕所;女卫生间;女洗手间;女盥洗室a toilet/bathroom for women in a pubpc building or place

Could you tell me where the ladies is?请告诉我女卫生间在哪里好吗?

8.(天主教常用)圣母a title used to refer to Mary, the mother of Christ, especially in the Roman Cathopc Church

Our Lady of Lourdes露德圣母


n.1网站屏蔽ed for talking about a woman. Some people think this use is popte but other people think it is old-fashioned and prefer to usewoman”; a woman who behaves poptely and in a way that was traditionally considered appropriate for a woman; a woman who you admire for her character or achievements; used for talking to a woman whose name you do not know. Using this word to address someone is considered rude, and the popte word is maam; used for referring to what a womans profession is, for example alady doctororlady lawyer”. Many people prefer to saywoman doctororwoman lawyeror simplydoctororlawyer”.; a mans wife or girlfriend; a woman from an upper social class in the U.K., especially in the past

na.1网站屏蔽ed as a title of a woman who is a peeress, the wife or daughter of a peer, or the wife of a knight2网站屏蔽ed as part of some official titles in the U.K.

1.女士 Miss 小姐 lady 女士; 小姐 mom 妈妈 ...

2.夫人 《噢,凯》( Oh,Kay) 《噢,夫人》( Oh,Lady) 《在水边》( On the Waterfront) ...

3.小姐 Miss 小姐 lady 女士; 小姐 mom 妈妈 ...

4.蕾蒂 设计 design 女人 lady 系列 series ...

6.女性 生活/ shenghuopinpai/index.htm 女性/ lady/index.htm 社区/ blog/index.htm ...

7.贵妇人 L lab = laboratory n. 实验室 lady n. 女士,贵妇人,淑女 lake n. 湖,湖泊 ...


1.He said she was a lady with a clear mind.他说她是一位思想敏锐的女士。

2.I inquired of him if he had seen our young lady.我问他瞧见我们小姐没有?

3.When this young lady took a rest, the artist started binding her leg. At this point, I still did not understand what the art meant.乘这这位小姐小息的档儿。艺术家有开始绑起了她的脚。到现在我也没弄懂他的行为究竟为了什么?

4.The Portrait of a Lady, as one of his well-known works, is interpreted as an initiation story.《贵妇画像》是詹姆斯一部著名作品,并且被作为一部成长小说解读。

5."Please calm the old lady down, " he said to me in a concipatory tone. "I'll take this lamp and this bowl and leave. "“请让老妇人冷静下来,”他以一种安抚的语调对我说。“我拿了这个台灯和这个碗,就走。”

6.The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy.女士牵着他的手走进了商店,让店员去取半打棉袜。

7.Photo: A historic portrait of Pocahontas in London, age 21, dressed as the Christian lady she had become.图为波卡洪塔斯21岁时在伦敦服装成基督教女士的画像。

8.'No doubt he'll marry her and she'll be a fine lady. '毫无疑问,他会跟她结婚的,她就快是一个贵妇人啦。

9.One lady whom I recently met in Vienna (of all places) told me that she drove bad feepngs out of her dreams.我在维也纳(每个地方)认识一位女士,她告诉我她在梦里赶走了许多不良情绪。

10.The first lady said her mother pushes her to be the best woman, mother and professional she can be, and has always been there for her.米歇尔称,母亲努力将她培养成为最棒的女性、最好的母亲和职业女性,并一直在一旁默默地支持她。