


美式发音: [ˌlæfiˈɛt] 英式发音: [lɑ:feɪ'et]




n.1.拉法埃脱2.Marquis de LaFayette 马奎斯德拉法埃脱

un.1.city in west central Indiana, situated on the Wabash River, southwest of Kokomo.2.city in southern Louisiana, situated north of Abbeville and southwest of Baton Rouge.

1.拉法叶 发评论 最适合调情西班牙海湾 关注每 …

8.老佛爷百货第三天一早的活动就是到老佛爷百货Lafayette)参观带购物。“老佛爷”这个名字不知道是谁翻译的,音译还算贴切,只是法国 …


1.The results of her work are still visible in Lafayette Square, across from the White House in Washington, D. C.她的工作成果仍然可以在华盛顿白宫对面的拉斐特广场看到。

2.The major shopping centre Galleries Lafayette is just a ten minute walk down the road from this hotel.历史最悠久的购物中心拉法叶百货公司从酒店所属的路段步行只要十分钟就能到达。

3.Instead, the 17-year-old has moved into a luxury two-bedroom condo at the corner of Lafayette and Spring Streets, reports the New York Post.据《纽约邮报》报导,这个17岁的女生已搬进位于Lafayette和Spring大街交汇处的一间豪华的两居室公寓。

4.Galeries Lafayette is planning to open a store next year in Beijing, where the name is a brand.老佛爷正在准备明年在北京开一家分公司,在北京,老佛爷就是品牌。

5.When Timmy found out three hours later, he dumped Helen and the basket with me in it on the service road of Interstate 10, near Lafayette.当提米三个小时后发现真相时,他在10号州级公路的服务点抛弃了海伦和我,这个地方靠近拉法叶特。

6.Lafayette is gay but we also see more about who he is because for me being gay is not enough for a character, is not that interesting.拉法耶是个同性恋,但他身上还有别的故事,因为在我看来一个角色仅有同性取向是远远不够的,不够有趣。

7.John's Church, just across Lafayette Park from the White House, for the Episcopal service.他们从白宫经过拉法耶特公园到圣约翰教堂参加仪式。

8.he would be competing against an entire Lafayette squad.那他就得与整个拉斐德田径队比试高低了。

9.Teachers at the writing center at Purdue University in west West Lafayette , Indiana . Work work with students to improve their writing.位于印第安纳州拉菲特西部的普渡大学的写作中心的老师们和学生们一起努力来提高学生的写作能力。

10.Nobody was following me. I started walking leisurely toward the Place Lafayette.没有人跟着我,我便懒洋洋地朝拉斐特广场走去。