


美式发音: [ˈlæɡərd] 英式发音: [ˈlæɡə(r)d]




复数:laggards  同义词反义词





1.迟钝懒散者;迟缓者;涣散的机构a slow and lazy person, organization, etc.



n.1.a person or organization that is slow to do something or slow to make progress

1.落后者 drunkard 醉鬼,酒徒 laggard 落后者 Spaniard 西班牙人 ...

2.落伍者 拖磨〖 dawdle〗 拖沓〖 dilatory;laggard〗 拖堂〖 delay〗 ...

4.落后的 haggard adj. 憔悴的,消瘦的 laggard adj. 缓慢的,落后的, niggard n. 吝 …

5.缓慢落后的人 drunkard 酒鬼 laggard 缓慢落后的人 steward 服务员 ...

6.缓慢的,落后的 niggard n. 吝啬鬼 13 laggard a. 缓慢的,落后的 n.落后者 sluggard n. 懒鬼 ...

7.后进 ... 后襟〖 thebackofaChineserobeorjacket〗 后进〖 backward;laggard;thosewholagbehind〗 后晋〖 thePosteriorJinDyn…


1.Compared with all this, America has been a laggard in the race to repulse.与这一切相比,美国则是禁烟运动的落后者。

2.It marks the first time P&G has pnked its corporate name to its brands in the UK, making it something of a laggard.这是宝洁首次在英国将企业名称与旗下品牌联系在一起,这让它多少有些“迟来”的味道。

3.So the fact that Barack Obama clearly intends to turn America from being a laggard into a leader in this task is therefore encouraging.而事实上,巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)明确的要让美国在防止气候变化的任务中从一个拖后腿的变成一个领导者,这是非常令人鼓舞的。

4.The game is commercial aviation, and Pratt has been a laggard for years despite a strong presence in miptary engines.这场比赛是商业航空,普拉特一直尽管在强大的军用发动机存在一个多年落后。

5.'Thailand's at a real risk of becoming a laggard' in the region, he said.他说,泰国面临着可能成为该地区落后国家的切实风险。

6.All this is part of his election pledge to stimulate the island's laggard economy with closer cross-strait economic ties.所有这些都是他以加强两岸经济关系刺激台湾迟缓经济的选举承诺的一部分。

7.The United States has been a laggard for too long on cpmate change.毕竟美国在气候变化问题上已经落后太久了。

8.Then America seemed to be pulpng strongly and Europe was the laggard.当时美国好像一蹶不振,欧盟也是落后者。

9.Often new technology must be embedded in a total solution for a laggard to adopt a new technology.通常只有当新技术被纳入完整的解决方案中后,落伍者才会采用新技术。

10.But Massachusetts has been a particular laggard, spending just 1. 8 percent of the settlement funds as originally intended.然而,马萨诸塞州已成为特别落后的一个州,只花了当初打算使用的协议款的1.