


美式发音: [ˈlænˌdaʊ] 英式发音: [ˈlændɔː]






1.双排座活顶四轮马车a carriage with four wheels and a roof that folds down in two sections, that is pulled by horses


n.1.a type of carriagevehicle pulled by horses, with a top part that can be open or closed

1.朗道 land-value 地价 landau 四轮马车 landaulet 小型车 ...

4.蓝道 Landa 兰达牌手表 Landau 兰多牌汽车 landau 双排座敞蓬轿车 ...

6.兰岛rks) 相继提出用利雅普诺夫稳定性理论、法国学者兰岛Landau)提出用超稳定性理论,设计自适应调节规 律,从而奠定 …


1.Landau said he was not disappointed that "Avatar, " which won three Oscars in technical categories, failed to net the major prizes.在谈到错失奥斯卡奖时,兰道表示自己对《阿凡达》并不失望。

2.Dr. Landau said that his mother had cared for the butcher when he was a boy in the Lodz ghetto in Poland during World War II.兰多医生说,二战时期在波兰的罗兹犹太人区,母亲曾经照顾过那个屠夫(当时他还是个小孩)。

3.Maybe I should do pke the sentence from a movie called Howie, Landau And A Fire Phoenix: Do your best, everyone is a miracle.我怎么才能支配它呢?也许我应该像这句话所说,从虹猫蓝兔火凤凰中:做最好的自己,每个人都是一个奇迹。

4.The book, which Dr. Landau self-pubpshed in January, has not caused much of a stir so far.到目前为止,这本兰多医生一月份自行出版的书还没有宣起太大的波澜。

5.In the dormitory building , AGENT LANDAU looks around the agents around him . He sees a man come out of the bathroom .在宿舍楼,蓝道探员看这周边的探员。他看到一个人走出浴室。

6.Israep Cabinet Minister Uzi Landau said the territory is not negotiable.以色列内阁部长乌齐.兰多说,这片领土是没有商量余地的。

7."without gaia, we would not have been able to do the production, " landau said in a phone interview with msw.“要是没有gaia,咱们就不成可以兴许制做出这部影片儿,”landau在接管msw的小通达采访时讲道。

8."Avatar, " which Mr. Landau produced, "is the most pirated movie of all time, " he said during a recent trip to Singapore.兰多最近到访新加坡,期间他表示,他制作的《阿凡达》是“迄今受盗版侵害最为严重的电影”。

9.Inside the dormitory. AGENT LANDAU approaches the WOMAN WHO LOOKS LIKE SCULLY as she walks away from him.在宿舍里。蓝道探员在看起来像史高丽的女人走开的时候走近她。

10.Landau said a decision on which project they would pursue first would be taken within six months.兰道表示,他们将在半年内决定先拍摄哪部影片。