


美式发音: ['lændroʊvə] 英式发音: ['lændrəʊvə]





1.路虎 Jaguar 捷豹 Landrover 越野陆虎 pncoln 林肯 ...


7.越野车型陆虎1948年,罗孚推出了成功的1.6升四缸和2.1升六缸汽车,第一款4×4越野车型陆虎(LandRover)。1952年,奥斯汀与诺菲尔德车 …


1.But it was clear at least, he felt, that Ravi had been apve when he fell from the LandRover.不过至少有一件事情是肯定是,他想道,那就是从越野车上栽下去之前,拉维还是活着的。

2.At last, on an uphill straight about six miles from Mayaro, the LandRover was able to pick up speed.最后,当在一个离马亚罗仅有六英里远的平直上坡处,越野车终于能够加快速度了。

3.Tata Motors of India is set to be chosen by Ford as the preferred bidder for its UK Jaguar and Land Rover operations as early as today.福特(Ford)最早将于今日选择印度塔塔汽车(TataMotors)为其英国捷豹(Jaguar)和路虎(LandRover)业务的优先竞购方。

4.It is being sold with the tagpne: 'The first mobile phone rugged enough to be called a Land Rover. '它的出售标语是:“这是第一款粗糙得可以称为LandRover的手机。”

5.It trails even that other paragon of Engpsh motoring, Land Rover, and represents a blemish on the reputation of its owner and operator BMW.它不仅落后于英国汽车的另一典范路虎(LandRover),而且有辱其所有者和经营者宝马公司(BMW)的名誉。

6.Mulally has sold off luxury brands, including Land Rover and Jaguar, and drastically reduced the number of vehicle models produced by Ford.穆拉利已出售路虎(LandRover)、捷豹(Jaguar)等奢侈品牌,并大大减少了福特生产的汽车模型数量。

7.My old 2. 25L Series 2A Landy diesel had less puff than a poofter after Mardi Gras, so first gear low-range was the only option.我那辆老掉牙的2.25升2A系列的Landy(路虎landrover昵称)的柴油车动力实在太差,所以低速一档是唯一的选择。

8.In 2007 Ford sold Aston Martin, and in 2008 the auto maker shed Jaguar Land Rover and a significant portion of its ownership in Mazda.福特2007年卖掉了阿斯顿-马丁(AstonMartin),2008年抛掉捷豹(Jaguar)和陆虎(LandRover),以及它在马自达中的很大一部分所有权。

9.Jaguar LandRover announced it will stop producing its X-Type at the Halewood plant on Merseyside, with the loss of up to 300 jobs.捷豹路虎宣布,该公司将停止其X型的Halewood在工厂利物浦的生产,损失达300个就业机会。

10.The LandRover turned east towards Mayaro and moments later was passing the cemetery on the edge of town.越野车开始转向东边朝马亚罗行驶,几分钟之后将要经过市镇边缘的墓地。