





2.郎格汉斯目的探讨肺郎格汉斯(Langerhans)细胞组织细胞增生症诊断和鉴别诊断.方法常规HE染色及免疫组织化学链霉素抗生物素蛋白- …

3.郎格罕氏郎格罕氏LAngerhans)细胞可辨识以皮肤进入人体之外来物质特性并传送重要讯息给免疫系统。免疫系统接收到郎格罕氏细 …

4.郎罕结节病的结节以上皮样细胞、郎罕(Langerhans)巨细胞为主,并有淋巴细胞浸润,无干酪样坏死。肺嗜酸性肉芽肿的结节大部 …

5.细胞表皮层中的蓝盖士细胞Langerhans),具有抵抗细菌的作用。 二〃分泌及排泄作用 皮脂腺分泌皮脂,汗腺分泌汗液,扩散在 …

6.胰岛郎格罕氏与其他磺酰脲类药物不同,格列美脲主要与胰岛郎格罕氏Langerhans)B细胞上的磺酰脲类受体的65KDa蛋白特异性结合, …

7.兰氏细胞1-2.1兰氏细胞Langerhans)是存在棘状层中。 ~细胞间由胞桥小体( desmosomes )相连接,因其细胞联接紧密,可抵抗外力 …


1.Therefore, suggested that this part of patients should also the early time anchor with the island of langerhans rope cure.因此,建议这部分患者也应早期用胰岛索泊疗。

2.Bone marrow examination could be helpful for diagnosis. It had been misdiagnosed as urticaria or Langerhans cell histiocytosis.本例曾先后误诊为荨麻疹、郎格罕细胞组织细胞增生症,骨髓检查可确诊。

3.Scattered among the enzyme-producing cells are the islets of Langerhans, which secrete insupn and glucagon directly into the bloodstream.在制造的细胞之间点缀的是胰岛,分泌胰岛素与抗胰岛素直接进入血液。

4.The early patient has not taken the medicine and the JU island of langerhans has asked that if the condition does not calculate seriously.早期的患者没有服用过药物和JU过胰岛求的,如果病情不算严重。

5.When the body lacks the island of langerhans to ask.当身体缺乏胰岛求时。

6.The epidermis harbors defensive Langerhans cells, which alert the body's immune system to viruses and other infectious agents.表皮包含保护性的朗格罕氏细胞,能够向身体的免疫系统预警病毒和其他形式感染的入侵。

7.To has the Gao Xin island element blood's sickness patient, causes its island of langerhans level not to drop especially obviously.对有高欣岛素血症的患者,使其胰岛未水平下降尤为明显。

8.At diagnostic routine finally a biopsy gives the diagnosis of Langerhans cell histiocytosis.在最后的诊断常规活检给出了诊断朗格罕细胞组织细胞增生症。

9.This islet of Langerhans demonstrates pink hyapnization (with deposition of amyloid) in many of the islet cells.在胰岛的胰腺细胞内可见粉红色的透明变性(淀粉样物质沉积)。

10.Immunoperoxidase staining can help identify the nature of the cells present in the islets of Langerhans.免疫过氧化物酶染色可帮助了解胰岛内细胞的特性。