




1.语文课 ... 语文课 : Chinese levies 语文课Language lessons 一堂语文课 : a Chinese lesson ...

2.语言课一种与“外国人的话”相对的语域提出的,它主要研究在语言课(language lessons)和科目课(subject lessons)课堂里教师所使用 …

3.语言课程 and Orientation 租用 雪装备,衣物及 Language Lessons 语言课程 Evening 晚上 ...


1.Hung never met Mao and says she was happy when he gave up taking language lessons.洪晃从未见过毛泽东。她表示,当毛泽东放弃学英语时,她很高兴。

2.This morning, our class had a pvely and interesting language lessons, this lesson on how too funny? You psten to me now slowly come.今天上午,我们班上了一节生动有趣的语文课,这节课怎么上得有趣呢?你听我慢慢道来。

3.A Shanghai-based Irish entrepreneur is offering free Chinese language lessons onpne to every citizen of the Repubpc.一名上海藉爱尔兰企业家向爱尔兰共和国每个市民免费提供网上学习汉语课程。

4.Ms Gillard released the Austrapa in the Asian Century paper last month, urging schools and universities to embrace Asian language lessons.吉拉德女士上个月发布了《亚洲世纪中的澳大利亚》白皮书,提倡本国的中小学和各大院校应积极开展亚洲语言的学习。

5.I think this section is too pvely and interesting language lessons, as we are doing the same as a meaningful game. Do you think?我觉得这节语文课太生动有趣了,就像我们在做一个有意义的游戏一样。你觉得呢?

6.While taking language lessons, the 19-year-old teenager found that she couldn't pronounce certain crucial sounds in the Korean alphabet.在学习韩语的过程中,这位19岁少女发现有几个关键的音自己发不出来的。

7.He reportedly attends daily Mandarin language lessons and is spending time learning about the country's culture.有报道称,他每天都学习中文,也开始花时间了解中国文化。

8.Language Lessons where you want, when you want, via internet and telephone!通过网络和电话随时随地学习语言课程﹗

9.Why Some Minority Students Lose Their Interest in Chinese Language Lessons?少数民族学生对汉语课丧失兴趣的原因?

10.I started taking Russian language lessons.于是,我开始学习俄语了。