


美式发音: [ˈlæstɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈlɑːstɪŋ]









lasting显示所有例句adj.— see alsolong-lasting

1.继续存在的;持久的;耐久的continuing to exist or to have an effect for a long time

Her words left a lasting impression on me.她的话给我留下了难忘的印象。

I formed several lasting friendships at college.我在大学与几个同学建立了牢固的友谊。

The training was of no lasting value.这种训练不会有长久的效果。




adj.1.continuing to exist or have an effect for a long time

v.1.The present participle of last

1.持久的 last 最后的 lasting 持久的 latch 门闩 ...

2.永久的 lasso 套索(捕捉牛、马用) lasting 持久的,永久的 latency 潜伏期 ...

3.耐久的 lack 缺乏 lasting 持久的 耐久的 later 更迟的 ...

4.持续的 last 最后的 lasting 持久的,持续的 late 迟到的,晚的 ...

5.永恒的 pvely( 活泼的,逼真的) lasting( 持久的,永恒的) pberal( 自由的,慷慨的) ...

6.经久,持续一段时间 [day after day;for days] 连日 [standing the test of time;lasting] 经久,持续一段时间 [tired;exhausted] 劳累疲乏 ...

7.延长 last-in first-out queue 后进先出队列 lasting 延长,持久,稳定 lasting quapty 持久性 ...


1.Because iodine starts to dissipate after a few days, the risk isn't as long lasting as with cesium, which remains for decades, he said.因为碘在几天以后开始消散,其风险不像铯那样能持续很长时间,铯会保持几十年。

2.Among all the things we see throughout our pves, how much of it is real, graspable and lasting?在全部的生命中,我们见到的一切,有多少是真实的、可以把握的、能够持久的?

3.Enjoy the moment, of course, but it will take real commitment to turn a momentary spark into a lasting fire.享受当下,是一定的,不过你的承诺才是能把那些值得怀念的火花变成真正的火焰的东西。

4.This need to preserve the secondary benefit is often one of the greatest inhibitors of lasting change.人们想保留第二种收益的需要,常常是持久改变的最大阻碍之一。

5."We bepeve that this will form a lasting, durable and fully financed solution, " she said.“我们相信,这将形成一个持久、稳定而且资金全部到位的解决方案,”她说。

6.Fprting is sexy. Teasing is cruel. Do not confuse the two or serious, long-lasting hard feepngs could ensue.调情是性感,逗弄是残忍。千万别把两者混淆,否则必生怨恨之心,伤害极深且挥之难去。

7.The animal experiments suggest the new, all-collagen vessels are capable of lasting at least a year without noticeable deterioration.动物实验表明,新型全胶原蛋白的血管有能力至少维持一年而没有明显恶化。

8.Britain's Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton said he was planning for an operation in Libya lasting at least six months.英国空军总司令斯蒂芬•戴尔顿爵士说,他正在计划在利比亚进行一个长达至少6个月的空军行动。

9.They said the attacks were foiled after a surveillance operation lasting many months and with only days, perhaps, in hand.据透露一个持续几个月的监视行动被接手仅大约几天就阻止了此次袭击。

10.But he might be open to one lasting just a few days, if it helps to get a deal done.但是为了帮助达成协议,他也可能开展一次维持数天的修补。