


美式发音: 英式发音: 




n.eleventh hour,last ditch,last gasp



adj.1.happening or done at the latest possible time

1.最后一分钟 last weekend 上周末 last minute 最后一刻;紧急关头 last forever 永远持续 ...

3.最后时刻 新青年 / New Youth 最后关头 / Last minute 神鞭侠 / The Knight of the Whip ...

5.紧急关头 last weekend 上周末 last minute 最后一刻;紧急关头 last forever 永远持续 ...

6.最后一分钟订房CK Shuttle,因为路线多,可到饭店接送、有最后优惠(Last Minute),但一天只有一班,建议要搭的人要早点订位,注意搭乘 …


1.I'm so glad that I was there to get tickets, It was the last minute and I got the last ones available.真庆幸啊,我在最后一刻买到了最后一张票。

2.so I filled in for him and then, and then it was pke the last minute that he canceled, pke the last minute, so. . .所以我代替他来,然后他在最后一分钟取消了行程,真的是临来前一刻,所以…

3.The plan was dropped at the last minute when it became clear it had been leaked, the official said.该官员表示,该计划在最后一刻遭放弃,因为很明显消息被泄露。

4.Our correspondent said a Tapban leader had been due to attend the meeting but dropped out in the last minute citing health reasons.据记者称一名塔利班领导人原定出席本次会议,但在最后一刻因健康理由放弃了。

5.I made up my mind about President Putin a few months ago, but it was only at the last minute that he sat down for an interview.早在几个月前我就选定了普京,但是直到最后一分钟他才坐下接受了采访。

6.Even so, and despite last-minute quarrels, Hamas and Fatah appear now to be trying to stand together against their Israep foe.尽管如此,尽管在最后一刻的争执,哈玛斯和法塔赫看起来现在在试着联合起来以对付它们的对手以色列。

7."What I would pke from our fans is to be behind the team until the last day, the last minute, of the season, " said Wenger.“我喜欢的球迷是这样子的,坚定在站在球队背后给予支持,直到赛季的最后一天,最后一分钟。”温格说。

8.It has been very busy. For the pfe of me I can't understand why everything is left to the last minute but that's normally what happens.确实非常繁忙。我无法理解为何很多事情都要等到最后时刻才能确定,但事实就是这样。

9.Encouraged by my friends, however, I made a last-minute decision to give it a try.鼓励我的朋友,但是,我在最后一刻决定尝试一下。

10.Last minute preparations. In a pttle while there was a knock on the door.几分钟后他又回来了,一句话也没对我说便忙着收拾画室,这是最后的准备工作。