


英文单词:阴离子表面活性剂;十二烷基苯磺酸钠;直链烷基苯磺酸钠(Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonates)


1.阴离子表面活性剂主成分阴离子表面活性剂(LAS)是造成河流,湖泊等水域富营养化的重要原因,是公认的污染物之一.目前,检测水中阴离子表面活性 …

2.十二烷基苯磺酸钠十二烷基苯磺酸钠(LAS) 的生产技术 安徽职业技术学院 化工系 班级:精化 1022 姓名:苏仕阳 学号:2010274218 十二烷基苯 …

3.直链烷基苯磺酸钠(Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonates)②直链烷基苯磺酸钠(LAS) 直链烷基苯磺酸盐是由直链烷烃与苯在特殊催化剂作用下合成直链烷基苯,再经过磺化,中和反应 …

4.直链烷基苯磺酸盐(linear alkylbenzene sulfonate)直链烷基苯磺酸盐(LAS)和非离子表面活性剂(NIS)是产量和消耗量都相当大的两类表面活性剂.文章从生物降解性、毒性及在环 …

5.麦卡伦国际机场酒店离麦卡伦国际机场LAS)仅5英里,方便通往15号州际公路,拉斯维加斯大道灯火通明的商业中心触手可及,去往城内单 …


1.Andrea Bocelli in Las VegasSwear to me, that even though much time passes, I'll never forget the moment that I met you.波切利在拉斯维加斯我发誓,即使尽管有很多时间的推移,我永远不会忘记的时刻我遇见了你。

2.It was passed unanimously by the Las Vegas City Council as part of a bill making it a misdemeanor to go to the bathroom in public.这条法令由拉斯维加斯市理事会全体成员一致通过,它与在公共场所洗澡将被处以轻罪的法令同属一法案。

3.Harrah's Entertainment, a Las Vegas-based casino, is trying to persuade creditors to renegotiate its payment terms to avoid a default.Harrah’sEntertainment,拉斯维加斯的一家赌场,为了避免违约正试图说服债权人就支付条件进行重新谈判。

4.He said he was flattered to hear about the talk in Las Vegas.他说,他受宠若惊地听到讲座在拉斯维加斯。

5.I had to call the Las Vegas police, who sent me to another websit, where my e-mail went into the black hole of cyberspace.我不得不给拉斯维加斯警方打电话,他们把我打发到另一家网站,我的电子邮件在那儿被网络黑洞吞噬了。

6.And yet the Las Vegas wedding business seems to appeal to precisely that impulse.然而拉斯维加斯的婚庆业似乎还就专门吸引有这种冲动的人。

7.Impressive parades are held in many cities of the U. S. like the ones in Seattle, Savannah in Georgia, New Orleans, Syracuse, and Las Vegas.很多声势浩大,给人深刻印象的游行在美国的很多城市举行,比如西雅图,乔治亚州的大草原,新奥尔良,锡拉丘兹和拉斯维加斯。

8.In the Las Vegas opener, he did not shy away from that shot early, hit a few, then got to the rim easily.在拉斯维加斯夏季联赛揭幕战中,一开始他就果断出手,投中了几个,之后的也轻松命中。

9.So it was no surprise when he told a pro-immigration rally in Las Vegas last month that reform could wait no longer.因此,他上月在拉斯维加斯支持移民的集会上表示移民改革迫在眉睫毫不令人意外。

10.The reclusive Las Vegas billionaire now owns 9. 9% of GM, a stake which has so far lost him a great deal of money, at least on paper.这位目前隐居在拉斯维加斯的亿万富翁拥有通用9.9%的股份,理论上,到目前为止他已经遭受不少损失。