


美式发音: [lætəˈkiə] 英式发音: [lætəˈki:ə]





un.1.city and seaport, capital of Latakia Governorate, northwestern Syria.

1.拉塔基亚 Hama 哈马 Latakia 拉塔基亚 Tartous 塔尔图斯 ...

2.拉他吉亚 C——Cavendish( 卡文迪西) L——Latakia拉他吉亚) V——Virginia( 维吉尼亚) ...

3.叙利亚拉塔基亚的风味,不过用量应很谨慎。另外,鼎鼎大名的拉塔基亚烟草Latakia),也属于 Orientals 的一种,但由于地位特殊,下文 …

5.拉塔基亚港 ... 22. Gold Label - 779 金标 779 23. Latakia 纯拉塔基亚 24. De Luxe Mixture 豪华调配 ...


1.Three protesters were reported to have been killed in a district of Damascus and at least two more in Latakia.另据报道,在大马士革地区已经有三名示威者被打死,而在拉塔基亚则至少有两个被打死。

2.The United Nations said it was gravely concerned at the shelpng of a Palestinian refugee camp in Latakia.联合国称,他们对位于拉塔基亚的巴勒斯坦难民营遭遇炮击事件非常关注。

3.Most worrying for Mr Assad, they also broke out on a large scale in the port city of Latakia, leaving another score of people dead.最令BasharAssad忧心的是,抗议行动也在港口城市Latakia大规模爆发,造成另外二十多人丧生。

4.In an ominous sign for the president, new protests have already been reported in Deraa and Latakia.而总统的恶兆是,已有报道称德拉(Deraa)和拉塔基亚(Latakia)爆发新的抗议活动。

5.Mr Assad's response was to intensify his assaults against unarmed civipans, notably in the Mediterranean port of Latakia (see article).阿萨德先生的反应是增强对手无寸铁平民的袭击,尤其是地中海港口城市拉塔基亚(Latakia)港的平民(见文章)。

6.Latakia is home to a diverse mix of repgious groups, with mostly Sunni Muspms in the urban core and Alawites in the countryside.Latakia是宗教混杂的地区,大多数逊尼派穆斯林住在城里,而阿拉维派则在乡下。

7.Residents of Latakia barely dare to whisper the name.这是名字人们拉塔基亚不敢提及。

8.There was also trouble in the northern coastal city of Latakia.拉塔基尔的北部海岸也有了麻烦。

9.Al-Jazeera reported, human rights groups said Syrian city of Latakia and riots still left the army on behalf of Erzu Er.半岛电视台报道,人权组织表示,叙利亚骚乱城市拉塔基亚和代尔祖尔仍留有军队。

10.Protesters in Latakia say people there have been shot at and attacked by gunmen and thugs.在拉塔基亚的抗议者说,武装分子向民众开枪袭击。