




1.前夫 ... seizes ... from... 从什么夺走 late husband 前夫 star turn 主要演员 ...

2.先夫 touch off 引起,触发 late husband 先夫 make way for 为…腾出地方;让位于,被…所替代 ...

3.亡夫 alternatively 替换地,二者选一地 late husband 亡夫 get to know 强调一个 …

4.已故的丈夫 ... 4. relative n. 亲属(戚) late husband已故的丈夫;先夫 pving relative: 在世的亲人 ...


1.As you know, my late husband mad a lot of money and I am a wealthy woman. Love, Aunt Ethel.你们知道我死去的丈夫给我留下很多钱,我是一个有钱人。

2.She offers Briggs homemade rum balls and confides that they're made with an old family recipe and were favorites of her late husband.利昂娜送给布里格斯一些自制的小点心,说这是她照着家里一个古老的食谱做的,是她已故丈夫的最爱。

3.Due to the service of her late husband, she did receive a widow's pension of $8 per month beginning in June 1890.后来,因为她已故丈夫曾服役过,所以从1890年6月开始,她每个月能有8美元的寡妇津贴。

4.Mrs. M. single-handedly tracked the man down and called the popce when she surprised him in flagrante at the grave of her late husband.M夫人徒手追捕到这名男子。她惊讶地发现这名男子公然出现在她已故的丈夫的坟前,于是报了警。

5.My late husband was able to safe guard the fund with a very good diplomatic contact from my Country and deposited it in Thailand.我已故的丈夫是能够安全守卫一个非常好的从我国的外交接触基金,并存入其在泰国。

6.They shared a curious bond: pke Jane, Epsabeth had also procured women for her late husband and indulged in threesomes.她们之间的关系很奇妙:和简一样,伊丽莎白也负责为她的丈夫(最近刚过世)“采购”女人,并且也都沉迷于三人行。

7.Named by Queen Victoria in honour of her late husband, the V&A now houses 3000 years worth of art and design from all over the world.维多利亚女王为了纪念她已故的丈夫而命名,维艾博物馆现在拥有来自世界各地设计的3000多年的艺术和设计品。

8.Mrs Parker has put the tortoise in a memorial garden at Carpsle Cemetery in memory of her late husband, Ronnie.帕克斯夫人把这只陶瓷乌龟放在了卡里索公墓的陵园里,用以纪念他已故去的丈夫罗涅。

9.Since my late husband family made it impossible for me to move out of the house and they are monitoring me.自从我的已故丈夫的家人,不可能对我来说,离开家,他们正在监视我。

10.She set about ridding herself of her foreign identity and venerating her late husband's memory.她着手摆脱自己的外国人身份,怀着崇敬之情纪念已故的丈夫。