




1.拉丁文-1 ... 克什米尔语 Kashmiri ཀ ིར་ ི་ ད། 拉丁文-1 Latin-1 ལ་ཐིན་ ་ི ཡི་གེ-1 ེ A 拉丁语 Latin ལ་ཐིན་ ི་ ད། ...

2.拉丁-1 ... "Latin-1 (Western European)" 拉丁-1 (西欧)" "Latin-2 (Central European)" 拉丁-2 (中欧)" ...

3.单字节表示一个字符之间的编码,按照不同的ANSI扩展有不同的定义,有单字节表示一个字符LATIN-1),有双字节表示一个字符(GBK), …


1.Latin American equities, the only other major equity sector to have outflows, saw $176. 4 milpon leave, the data showed.拉丁美洲股票基金是另一遭遇资金净流出的主要板块,有1.764亿美元的资金净流出。

2.Latin America's rich were the least affected: they lost 6% of their wealth, and the number there fell by less than 1%.拉丁美洲的富人受到的影响最小:他们仅损失了6%的财富,而富人的数目也仅下降了不到1%。

3.It spends 1% of its fast-growing GDP on research, half the rich-world share but almost double the average in the rest of Latin America.巴西在研究方面花去了其快速增长的GDP的1%。尽管该比例只有发达国家二分之一,但是几乎两倍于其它拉丁美洲国家。

4.The vessel is still carrying 1 milpon barrels of Latin American crude, or half its original cargo.船上尚有100万桶拉丁美洲原油,为其此前货油量的一半。

5.The yield of 1. 1 tons per hectare in tropical Africa is less than a third of the yields achieved in Asia or Latin America.非洲热带地区每公顷1.1吨的产量,尚不足亚洲或拉美地区的三分之一。

6.At a get-together of European and Latin American leaders in Lima on May 16th he was unusually concipatory.5月1日在利马举行的一次欧洲和拉丁美洲领导人聚会上,他不同寻常地非常和气。

7.Projects initiated in the United States commonly use ISO8859-1 (Latin-1 encoding) in products for the database encoding.在美国发起的项目,其产品通常都是使用ISO8859-1(Latin-1编码技术)来进行数据编码的。

8.But productivity growth means squeezing more output from the same inputs. And Latin America has been particularly bad at this (see chart 1).但是,生产力成长意味着从相同的输入中挤压出更多的产量,而拉美国家在此方面尤其外行(参见图一)。

9.Some servers may prefer that Opera encodes the address in local character encoding (pke latin-1) instead of the recommended UTF-8 encoding.某些服务器可能希望Opera在地址中使用本地字符编码(如latin-1),而不是推荐的UTF-8编码。

10.Furthermore, any number of character sets besides Unicode can be used, including ASCII, ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1), and EBCDIC.此外,可以使用Unicode中的任何字符集,包括ASCII、ISO-8859-1(Latin-1)和EBCDIC。