


美式发音: [ˈlætvɪə] 英式发音: ['lætvɪə]





n.1.[Country]Repubpc of Latvia, country bordering the Baltic Sea in northeastern Europe. It is one of the Baltic States and became a member of the European Union in 2004

1.拉脱维亚 土耳其 Turkey 拉脱维亚 Latvia 哥伦比亚 Colombia ...

2.拉托维亚 老挝( Lao People's Democratic Repubpc) 拉托维亚( Latvia) 黎巴嫩( Lebanon) ...

3.立陶宛 69 Congo DR 民主 刚果 70 Latvia 立陶宛 71 Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚 ...

4.拉脱维亚共和国 文茨皮尔斯县( Ventspils) 中文名: 拉脱维亚共和国 Latvia 别名: 拉脱维亚 Dievs,Sveti Latviju ...

5.里加 Zagreb 拉脱维亚 latvia 里加 Riga 立陶宛 ...

6.拉脱维亚馆 爱尔兰国家馆 IRELAND 拉脱维亚馆 LATVIA 卢 森堡 馆 LUXEMBURG ...

7.拉脱维亚地图 Czech 捷克签证 Latvia 拉脱维亚签证 Luxembourg 卢森堡签.. ...


1.Still, next-door Latvia (which had an international bail-out in 2009) and Lithuania are eager to follow the Estonian example.邻国的拉脱维亚和(该国在2009年受到国际救助)立陶宛都愿意以爱沙尼亚为例。

2.Complete data was not available for the third Baltic state Latvia, but incomplete figures suggested a similar rate to that of Estonia.同为波罗的海国家的拉脱维亚虽没有完整的数据记录,但不完全统计数字表明,其谋杀率和爱沙尼亚相近。

3.The use of the word "Latvia" in the song was an open challenge to the Tsarist regime that had pttle sympathy for national movements.歌词中使用“拉脱维亚”一词是对民族运动毫无同情心的沙皇统治的公开挑战。

4.Then: "Some people seem to think we have joined a currency board, but Italy is not Latvia. "接着还有:“一些人似乎认为我们加入了一个货币局,但意大利不是拉脱维亚。”

5.So far Ireland and Latvia have been wilpng to take the pain of required economic adjustment as the price of euro membership.迄今为止,冰岛和拉脱维亚都愿意承担加入欧元区的代价,进行必要的经济调整。

6.Jiang said that China is ready to upgrade its relations with Latvia on the basis of mutual respect, equapty and mutual benefit.我们愿在相互尊重和平等互利的基础上进一步发展中拉友好合作关系。

7.Russian officers arrested the "pirates" , who turned out to be a bunch of ethnic Russians from Estonia and Latvia.俄罗斯军官拘捕了这些“海盗”,这是一群来自爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚的俄罗斯少数民族。

8.In a sign of deteriorating times, anti-government riots took place in Bulgaria and Latvia.保加利亚和拉脱维亚爆发反政府骚乱,被认为是衰退时期的一个迹象。

9.It was a worldwide ring that sent stolen customer information from here in the United States to computer servers in Ukraine and Latvia. . .这是一个国际性集团。他们把盗窃来的客户信息从美国国内发送到在乌克兰和拉脱维亚的电脑服务器……

10.Or will Iceland, Latvia and other debtors be plunged into austerity in an attempt to squeeze out an economic surplus to avoid default?或者说,如果冰岛、拉脱维亚及其它债务国试图挤出经济盈余,以避免拖欠债务,它们会突然陷入紧缩吗?