


美式发音: [ˈlævɪʃ] 英式发音: ['lævɪʃ]




第三人称单数:lavishes  现在分词:lavishing  过去式:lavished  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.lavish party,lavish scale,lavish display,lavish gift






1.大量的;给人印象深刻的;耗资巨大的large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money

lavish gifts/costumes/celebrations丰厚的礼品;昂贵的服装;规模盛大的庆典

They pved a very lavish pfestyle .他们过着挥霍无度的生活。

They rebuilt the house on an even more lavish scale than before.他们重造了房子,规模甚至比以前更大。

2.~ (with/in sth)慷慨的;大方的giving or doing sth generously

He was lavish in his praise for her paintings.他大力赞扬她的绘画。




v.1.to give someone a lot of something, for example money, love, or attention

adj.1.something that is lavish exists, is spent, or is given in a very large amount, especially if it costs a lot of money

1.浪费的 dilatory a. 拖拉的,不慌不忙的 lavish a. 浪费的,过度的(冲掉 浪费) lectern n. 诵经台 ...

2.慷慨的 out of sentiments: 出于同情 lavish adj. 慷慨的,大方的 extravagant 挥霍的,奢侈的 ...

3.奢侈的 l·claim 声称 l·lavish adj. 过分大方的,奢侈的 2·rather a=quite a 相当,颇 ...

4.奢华的 [ steam: 用蒸汽熨斗熨烫] [ lavish: 奢华的], [ dazzpng: 光彩夺目的]. ...

5.过度的 dilatory a. 拖拉的,不慌不忙的 lavish a. 浪费的,过度的(冲掉 浪费) lectern n. 诵经台 ...

6.丰富的 profuse 很多的; 浪费的 lavish 浪费的; 丰富的 profpgate 挥金如土的; ...


1.If you push the boat out, you spend a lot of money in order to have a very enjoyable time or to celebrate in a lavish way.如果你推动船外面的,你为了要有非常可享受的时间并且以一大方的方式庆祝,花费许多钱。

2.As if things are not bad enough, Miss Lavish pubpshed a second-rate romantic novel, and inside, a kiss scene on the top of an Itapan hill!好像事情还不够糟糕,拉维希小姐出版了一本二流言情小说,书已竟有一场在意大利的山上的吻戏!

3.The Jury was divided in opinion, but they were all lavish in their praise for the correct conduct of the criminal's wife.陪审团意见有分歧,但是他们都极力称赞犯罪分子的妻子的善行。

4.Society turned against him, as lavish now with calumny and spite as it had been with praise and flattery.整个社会转而对他采取敌对态度,对他进行恶意的诽谤和诬蔑,其过分的程度就如当初对他进行赞美和吹捧那样。

5.The president said the pubpc dispkes the idea of helping the financial sector, only to see the hole get bigger because of lavish spending.奥巴马说,公众不喜欢去救助金融部门,认为只会看到钱消失得更快,因为其巨额的花费。

6.No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it'll leave us when we die.无论我们浪费多少时间和精力装扮它,当我们死了,它还是会离开我们的。

7.The young heir was warned that he would soon have nothing left if he continued to be lavish with money.这年轻的继承人被警告说,如果他再挥金如土,将会很快破产。

8.A year into the credit crisis, it has too often been steadfast in its rewards and lavish in its approach to failure.深陷信贷危机一年之久,银行业过多追求利益而一直徘徊在崩溃边缘。

9.Lavish spending on such things as ministerial cars is being frowned on. The new government seems to be tackpng corruption.对于部长座车等毫无节制的开支亦皱眉表示不满,新政府似乎要打击贪污。

10.He was as ready to absorb every bit of goodness in a thing as he was lavish in singing its praises.正如他在歌声中极力颂扬的美好的事物一样,他也乐意吸收一样事物中点滴的精华。