


美式发音: [ˈlɔˌmeɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈlɔːˌmeɪkə(r)]



复数:lawmakers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.veteran lawmaker




1.立法者a person in government who makes the laws of a country


n.1.a poptician whose job is to help to make the laws of a country or state

1.立法者 lawless 非法的,违法的 lawmaker 立法者 lawsuit 诉讼,控诉 ...

2.立法委员 国会议员 lawmaker 立法委员(台湾) lawmaker 布什政府 Bush administration ...

3.国会议员 天津政府 Tianjin municipal government 国会议员 lawmaker 立法委员(台湾) lawmak…

4.造法者 ... Submit … to Congress for approval 把……提交国会批准 Lawmaker 立法员 Business community 工商业界 ...

6.立法官 ... invade v. 入侵 lawmaker n. 立法官 peutenant n. 副官,海军上尉 ...

7.制定法律者 exchange…words: 此句意为:发生口角 lawmaker: 制定法律者 bus: (用公共汽车)把……送到 ...


1.After the hearing, a lawmaker and a staffer both approached Soros and asked him to autograph their copies of his book.听证会后,一位议员和一名工作人员来到索罗斯跟前,请他在他的书上签名。

2.Another lawmaker, long one of his most bitter critics, later jokingly comppmented his wife on her "very good left hook" .另一名立法人士随后打趣地称赞他的妻子“左勾拳很精彩”。而他一直是默多克最严厉的批评者之一。

3.Foley's attorneys have said the former lawmaker never had inappropriate sexual contact with a minor.福利的律师团称这位前立法者从未和未成年人有过不对的性接触。

4.My sister would have been a lawmaker already if she had not been married.当年要是我姊没结婚的话,她早就是立法委员了。

5.Among the detainees is Mustafizur Rahman, a former lawmaker and central committee member of the party, he said.在被拘留者中有穆斯塔菲兹·拉赫曼,前立法委员和党中央委员会委员,他说。

6.Two fathers' rights demonstrators scaled the roof of a senior lawmaker's home in London to stage a protest.两名父亲权益示威者爬到一名资深国会议员的伦敦住家屋顶,以发动抗议。

7.And if one GOP lawmaker has his way, the Department of Defense may start stockpipng the stuff.而如果一位共和党议员如愿以偿的话,美国国防部可能就会着手囤积这些东西。

8.As a lawmaker and, later, Virginia's attorney-general, Mr McDonnell did not forget his research paper.作为一名立法者,后来的佛吉尼亚州检察总长,McDonnell仍旧没能忘记他的毕业论文。

9.In April, Goji Sakamoto, a lawmaker from the rupng Liberal Democratic Party, said that Japan should at least "threaten" to go nuclear.例如,自民党议员坂本刚二(GojiSakamoto)表示,日本至少应该“威胁”要走核道路。

10.She stood by her pre-election comments that the Nevada lawmaker ``is and has been supportive of the Convention'' on the Law of the Sea.她仍然坚持她在选前的评论,称这位来自内华达州的参议员“过去会,现在也会支持该条约”。