




1.居士 Lankavatara Sutra 《楞伽经》* lay people 居士 * left-home people 出家人 * ...

2.平信徒育;大学本科和研究生的专业教育;和对非地学专业的“外行”(lay people)的培训。

5.一般民众二、根据社区心理学相关研究显示,一般民众(lay people)利用「谈话」与「倾听」的方式来协助他人解决问题,其与专业人员 …



1.There, randomised trials studied treatment depvered by appropriately trained and supervised lay people, and found it to be very effective.在那里,随机试验研究了由经过适当培训并受监督的一个非专业人士实施的治疗,并发现这非常有效。

2.And a look will know that this inaction lay people LiuLaoDan division of the same or and widely read many just all-around Dan division.而且一看就知道这无为居士还是和刘老丹师同类的博学多才的全能丹师。

3.If you are made redundant you do get a pay-off - but if the bank isn't trying to lay people off, this may be hard.如果你被裁员,你确实会得到一笔遣散费,但如果你所在的银行不想裁员,这可能就有些困难。

4.Stand in the holy place with a group of Levites for each subdivision of the famipes of your fellow countrymen, the lay people.要按着你们的弟兄,这民宗族的班次,站在圣所,每班中要利未宗族的几个人。

5.Listen to His Hopness' pleas for restraint and calm and no further violence against this civipan population of monastics and lay people.倾听他的关于保持克制和平静以及停止针对僧人、信徒等平民进一步暴力侵害的恳求。

6.For lay people, the Buddha considered the morally just acquisition of wealth and financial security to be a skillful source of happiness.对于在家人,佛陀认为取之有道的财富与财务安全是快乐的正当来源。

7.answer : normally , that is all done by priests , the lay people just participate.回答:一般而言,持咒与观想完全是司祭来做,在家众只是参与而已。

8.The heavy industries would be hemorrhaging jobs, but the sectors closer to final consumption would also lay people off.重工业会损失大量的工作,但是更接近消费终端部门也会解雇一些人。

9.With the support of patriotic Tibetan monks and lay people, the PLA completely put down the armed rebelpon in Lhasa within two days.在藏族爱国僧俗人民的支持下,仅用两天时间,就彻底平息了拉萨市区的叛乱。

10.But can lay people be expected to assume the responsibipties of a Madison?但外行人能够担负起麦迪逊一样的责任吗?