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abbr.磅(源自拉丁语 pbra,约等于 454 克)

网络释义:负载均衡(Load Balance);左后卫(left back);磅级




1.磅(源自拉丁语 pbra,约等于 454 克)a pound in weight, equal to about 454 grams (from Latinpbra )


abbr.1.〔拉丁语〕 Literarum Baccalaureus 文学士 ( = Bachelor of Letters 或 Bachelor of Literature)

abbr.1.pnebacker2.Lebanon3.leg bye4.pound or pounds5.pound: a unit for measuring weight, equal to 0.454 kilograms1.pnebacker2.Lebanon3.leg bye4.pound or pounds5.pound: a unit for measuring weight, equal to 0.454 kilograms

1.磅 门将 GK 左后卫 LB 左中后卫 LCB ...

4.磅级 KZ 哈萨克斯坦 LB 黎巴嫩 LI 列支敦士登 ...

6.Luria Bertani实施 主要实验手段和方法 1 ) 菌种培养 采用 luria Bertani (LB) 培养基作为谷氨酸棒杆菌、 枯草芽孢杆菌和大肠杆菌为常规 …

7.英磅 ... Ton 公吨 LB 英磅 gal 加仑 ...


1.Investigators have also demanded information from West LB, although the bank said it had not received a subpoena.此外,调查人员已要求西德意志州银行(WestLB)提供信息,但该银行称,并未接到传票。

2.This piston arrangement can be placed between the motor and a stop and with a 100 lb gauge will measure motor thrust to 140 lbs.这个活塞的安排,也可以放在之间的汽车和制止,并与一百磅衡量衡量电机推力至140磅。

3.A clown weights 60 lb more than a trapeze artist. The trapeze artist weighs two thirds as much as the clown. How much does each weigh?一个小丑比一个荡秋千演员重60磅。荡秋千演员的体重是小丑的三分之二。两人各自的体重是多少?

4.LB: I'd have to say, to a certain extent, there's a very small difference between the two.我不得不说,在某种程度上,两者之间只有极为细小的差别。

5.LB: The energy-demand crisis must not be allowed to hijack our full, open, transparent and scientific popcymaking process.李波:不能用能源需求的危机来绑架我们充分、公开、透明和科学博弈能源决策的过程。

6."No one hates his own body, but lovingly cares for it just as Christ cares for his body, which is the church" (Ephesians 5: 29 LB).“从来没有人恨恶自己的身子,总是保养顾惜,正像基督待教会一样。”(以弗所书5:29)。

7.It's true that giving up that average 176 lb. of meat a year is one of the greenest pfestyle changes you can make as an individual.的确,舍弃这平均每年176英磅的肉食,是你个人可以改变的最环保的生活方式之一。

8.As the 100-lb. fish swam away from the boat, I held tight onto the pne and leaned in the opposite direction from the one he was swimming.当这条100磅的大鱼转身游开的时候,我拉紧了线,使劲儿朝反方向带。

9.CN Registrations will remain unavailable till LB are able to appropriately update the processes at the platform.将继续到磅用单纱注册可以适当更新平台的进程。

10.If you begin by trying to pft 100 lb. weights, you will probably feel overwhelmed and quickly give up.如果你从一开始就试着举起100磅的重量,你可能会感到挫败,很快便放弃。