




1.左双引号 &sbquo 单低 9 引号, &ldquo 左双引号, &rdquo 右双引号, ...

2.一 ldquo 创意 : 0.47 % ldquo : 0.47 % rdquo 我们专注 : 0.47 % ...

3.三 Flu 词汇… 雅思词汇用 : 0.49 % ldquo 雅思阅读关键 : 0.49 % rdquo 听音 树立 : 0.49 % ...

4.下位单引号 ... 右单引号 sbquo 下位单引号 ldquo 左双引号 rdquo ...

5.尤斯顿路 登喜路, DUNHILL, 尤斯顿路, ldquo, 爱德华, Sidecar ...

6.日立家电 ldquo, 日立家电, ...


1.What impressed me so much, though, was his sincere response every time I had to correct him for misbehaving.不过,令我印象深刻的是,每当我不得已指出他的过错的时候,他都非常诚恳地对我说:“

2.I don't think it had so much to do with the places ever being really “ haunted. '我觉得这并不与那些地方是否真的闹鬼有多大联系。

3.Also known as the devil bear or woods devil, the wolverine is not related to the wolf, as its name seems to suggest.狼獾同样被认为是魔鬼熊或森林魔鬼,但是他们并不是“狼如其名”,他们与狼一点关系也没有。

4.Back in Berpn, a Nazi official produced copies of her incriminating letter.回到柏林以后,一个纳粹军官像她出示了那些表明她“

5.An increased vocabulary base will help improve ones sense of being able to “ color” situations differently.不断扩大的词汇储备量可以帮助作者提高运用不同的方法描述特定场景的能力。

6.And, when I thought about it more, all I saw was the “ blue pants” , so it kind of looked pke they were floating in the air.当我想更进一步思考时,脑海里全都是蓝色的牛仔裤,因此那看起来就像是漂浮在空中一样。

7.Why be driving this “ fuel hog” when you could be just as easily be driving a hybrid?驾驶混合动力车同样使你感到轻松无比,为什么还要选择这类“烧油货”呢?

8.ldquo; We cannot know to what extent sexual urges lay behind Charles's preference for drawing and photographing children in the nude.我们不知道是什么性冲动和性喜好促使他去画小孩的裸体或拍摄他们的裸体的。

9.Whenever I become unhappy, “ about a problem pke Maria” , or any other issue, I always try to do the following.每次当我不开心的时候,比如碰到了一个像玛利亚这样的问题,或者其他问题,我会照着如下方法做。

10.Number one is of course the girl Disney made a household world “ Hannah Montana” , in real pfe Miley Cyrus.第一位当然是这位因为迪斯尼剧集“汉娜蒙塔娜”而变得家喻户晓的女孩,她的名字叫米莉·塞鲁斯。