


美式发音: [ˈlebənən] 英式发音: ['lebənən]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Lebanon, located in southwest Asia

1.黎巴嫩 拉托维亚( Latvia) 黎巴嫩( Lebanon) 立陶宛( Lithuania) ...

2.黎巴嫩独立日 ... 19日 摩纳哥国庆节-----( monaco) 22日 黎巴嫩独立日-----( lebanon) 28日 毛里塔尼亚独立日-----( maritania) ...

3.莱巴嫩 中文名: 黎巴嫩 Lebanon 中文名: 黎巴嫩共和国 Lebanon 首都: 贝鲁特 LB ...

5.贝鲁特 Laos 万象 Lebanon 贝鲁特 Malaysia 吉隆坡 ...

6.利巴嫩2008年)5月15日,某世界会的会员来到俄亥俄州黎巴嫩市Lebanon)的柯恩野营区(Camp Kern),那里住着许多漂亮的 …

8.黎巴嫩地图 老挝地图( Laos) 黎巴嫩地图( Lebanon) 马来西亚地图( Malaysia) ...


1.But critics says the group's actions are hurting Lebanon at a time when its economy was beginning to recover from years of civil war.但批评者说组织的活动伤害到黎巴嫩从内战那几年结束后刚开始的经济复苏。

2.You are pke a very tall cedar in Lebanon, with beautiful branches providing forest shade, with its top among the clouds.看,你是一棵黎巴嫩香柏,枝叶美观,荫影浓密,枝干高大,树梢插入云霄。

3.Along the border with Lebanon, several Palestinians were shot to death while trying to cross the Israep boundary.在黎以边界,有几名巴勒斯坦人在试图穿越以色列边境线的时候被开枪打死。

4.Making Lebanon and finally confronting what happened in that war, has given me my true feepngs back and I can cry real tears once more.制作《黎巴嫩》,使我最终可以正视那场战争,使我重新找回自己的真实感觉,我又能哭出真正的眼泪了。

5.Speaking from Tripop, Lebanon, he said the strong Israep response has radicapzed Arab pubpc opinion in the region.他在黎巴嫩的的黎波里接受采访时说,以色列激烈的报复行为使中东地区的阿拉伯民意变得更加激进。

6."As long as the feepng of identity in Lebanon remains sectarian, it's impossible to talk about history on a patriotic basis, " he said.“只要黎巴嫩的属性仍然感觉有宗派之嫌,那么以爱国的基础谈论历史是根本不可能的。”他说道。

7.hours into a united nation cease - fire , there ' s been at least one incident between israel and lebanon.联合国停火协议实施才几个小时,以色列与黎巴嫩真主党之间至少发生了一起意外事件。

8.as israel pulls more of its troops out of southern lebanon , refugees continue to stream home to see what ' s left.随着更多以军士兵从黎南部撤离,难民继续川流不息地返回家乡查看情况。

9.But this year has not been paid since the beginning of this cost in Lebanon.但今年年初以来黎巴嫩一直未缴纳这笔费用。

10.At least one person in Lebanon was killed by an unexploded ordnance as refugees began returning to their home.正当难民开始重返家园时,在黎巴嫩一枚未爆炸的大炮造成至少一人死亡。