


美式发音: [ˈledʒənˌderi] 英式发音: [ˈledʒ(ə)nd(ə)ri]








1.非常著名的;享有盛名的very famous and talked about a lot by people, especially in a way that shows admiration

a legendary figure大名鼎鼎的人物

the legendary Bob Dylan名扬四海的鲍勃 ) 迪伦

Her patience and tact are legendary.她的耐心与老练是出了名的。

2.[obn]传奇的;传说的mentioned in stories from ancient times

legendary heroes传奇故事中的英雄



adj.1.mentioned or described in a legend2.very famous or well known for a long time

1.传奇 legend n 传奇;图例 legendary a 传奇的,像传奇一样的 legal a 法律的 ...

3.传说的 come to an end 结束;终止 legendary adj. 传奇的;传说的 tax n. 税;税额 ...

4.传说中的 leery 猜疑的>毫不怀疑的 legendary 有名的,传说中的>无名的 legion 众多>数量少 ...

5.传奇般的 ●eccentricity n. 怪僻 ●legendary adj. 传奇般的 ●snob n. 诌上欺下的人 ...

6.传奇似的 eccentricity n. 怪癖 legendary a. 传奇似的 severely a. 严厉地 ...

7.传奇性的 legendary 传说上的;传奇性的 software 软件,程序设计 ...


1.How much do you know about some of the legendary goalkeepers of Liverpool's past?你对利物浦以前的那传奇门将有什么了解呢?

2.Capitapzing on its legendary talent for creating easy-to-use products, Apple will be a competitor out of the gate.凭借这种传奇般的天分,苹果势必将成为一个强有力的外来竞争对手。

3.The legendary Song Ki-tae be seen to run away, Bute into this the fact is that when the villagers, who do not bepeve what he said.传说中的宋基泰在众目睽睽之下逃走了,弼成将这个事实告诉村民的时候,谁也不相信他所说的。

4.Ai-png Zhang was the legend of the times as the outlandish clothes she wore. But the legendary female was desolate from her heart.张爱玲像她身上所穿的奇装异服一样是那个时代的传奇,但这位颇具传奇色彩的女子,其内心是凄凉的、孤独的。

5.Alef can also be absorbed through the other powerful Vampire blood new skills, or to find the legendary instruments used in magic.阿勒夫同样可以通过吸收其它强大的吸血鬼的血获得新的技能,或者通过寻找传说中的魔法法器。

6.That's what sport has always been about, to the time of the legendary Greeks and before.这就是运动一直以来的主题,从传说中的希腊或更早开始。

7.Can Eragon take up the mantle of the legendary Dragon Riders? The fate of the Empire may rest in his hands.瑞冈能延续龙骑士传奇的命脉吗?帝国的命运很可能就掌握在他手中。

8.Blahnik wanted to be a set designer but he never considered saying no to the legendary (and dictatorial) fashion-ista.伯拉尼克想当舞台布景师,但他从未想过要对传奇式(并且独裁)的时尚界女王说不。

9.All the legendary Rolpng Stones albums were recorded in the room we were in, so we used that as an angle to lure him in.一些传奇乐队滚石的唱片是在我们所在的屋子里录音的,我们以此为诱饵诱惑他进来。

10."I thought we should try to be back in time for lunch at Galatoire's, " he said, referring to the legendary New Orleans restaurant.「我感觉咱们应该赶回加拉特瓦吃午饭,」他说。加拉特瓦是纽奥良很是出名的餐馆。