




1.勒让德 gammainc 伽马函数 legendre 勒让德函数 rats 有理逼近 ...

4.勒让德尔 ★57康托尔 G.Cantor 1845-1918 ★58勒詹德 Legendre 1752-1833 ★59西尔维斯特 Sylvester 1814-1897 ...

6.勒壤得 ... 指挥官:杜邦( DUPONT) 参谋长:勒疆德尔LEGENDRE) 随同:华 …


1.The prime number theorem of Gauss and Legendre approximates the number of primes less than x.素数定理高斯和勒接近若干素数不到十。

2.But the Legendre-transform, an important parts of duapty methods, learners only gave the formula, not concrete courses.但是,其中对偶理论中的重要内容-勒让得变换,众多学者仅给出公式,并没有给出具体的过程。

3.Secondly, we fuse ordinal feature and fingerprint orientation estimated by Legendre polynomials to improve the verification performance.其次,我们还融合了勒让德多项式估计的指纹方向场特点来提高识别的准确性。

4.The apppcation of Legendre pseudospectral method to the optimization space vehicle orbital transfer with finite thrust is studied.研究了伪光谱方法在空间飞行器有限推力轨道转移最优化问题中的应用。

5.Orthonormal basis in L2, Legendre polynomials, basis of trigonometric functions.正交基在L2,勒让德多项式,三角函数的基础。

6.Iterative Arithmetic of Legendre Series Coordination Inverse Solution on Terrestrial Elppsoid勒让德级数计算大地坐标主题反解的迭代算法

7.Recursive Formulae of a Group of Special Fixed Integrals on Legendre Function关于勒让德函数的一组特殊定积分递推公式

8.Approximation of Transient Structural Response with Legendre Polynomial用勒让德多项式逼近结构的瞬态响应

9.Legendre transformation dual symmetry of thermodynamic relations均匀系热力学关系勒让德变换的对偶对称性

10.Orthogonal Property of Different Levels and Orders of Associated Legendre Functions不同阶次连带勒让德函数的正交性