


美式发音: [ˈledʒəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ledʒəb(ə)l]








1.清晰可读的;清楚的clear enough to read

legible handwriting清楚易读的笔迹

The signature was still legible.签名仍清晰可辨。


adj.1.able to be read

1.易读的 acrolect n 上层方言 legible a 可读的,易读的 illegible a 难读的 ...

2.清晰的 dialect 方言, 语调 legible 清晰的, 易读的 illegal 违法的, 不合规定的 ...

3.清楚的 17.scrawl vi. 涂写 18.legible adj. 清楚的 1.bow tie 蝶形领结 ...

4.字迹清楚的 intelpgible 明白的,可理解的 legible 易读的,字迹清楚的 lethal 致死的,致命的 ...

5.清晰易读的 surcharge 附加费 legible 清晰易读的 xerox 静电复印 ...

6.容易辨认的 3.leek:n. 韭菜 5.legible:a. 清楚易读的,容易辨认的 6.lenient:a. 宽容 …

7.清楚易读的 3.leek:n. 韭菜 5.legible:a. 清楚易读的,容易辨认的 6.lenient:a. 宽容 …


1.So, from parsing the Twitter feed, you know that you need to pipe it through sed first to get a real, legible result.通过解析Twitterfeed,您知道需要首先用sed对它进行处理,以得到一个真正的、易读的结果。

2.2 records shall be legible, not allowed to alter, change only bar, bar to see bars before and after the change.记录应字迹清晰,不允许涂改,只能杠改,杠改后能清楚看到杠改前后的内容。

3.Additionally, using only uppercase letters allows MSNBC to make its incredibly small buttons just clear enough to be legible.另外,采用纯大写的按钮,让他们的小按钮足够清楚易读。

4.The text colour should ideally take into account the colour of the background on which it will appear to make it clearly legible.在理想情况下,文本颜色应该考虑其所在的背景颜色,以便对比分明。

5.The sign was no longer legible because much of the lettering had worn away.这块招牌已看不清楚,因为大部分字已磨掉了。

6.He grew lethargic. His speech became slurred. His handwriting was no longer legible.他变得萎靡不振,说话变得含糊不清,字迹不再清楚。

7.Itapcs, block capitals and any others are welcome. Itapc script is fine so long as its legible and easy to.斜体,大写字母和任何其他人的欢迎。斜体脚本是好的,只要其易读,易。

8.Simply reproducing the current unstructured information set in a more legible and transmissible format will not suffice.简单地再现当前非结构化信息更清晰,传播形式是不够的设置。

9.The envelope was worn and the only thing that was legible on it was the return address.信封已磨损,惟有寄信人的住址还清晰可辨。

10.The handwritten words on the page, round and legible in blue ink, are the marks of a mind that has already settled itself to composition.纸页上的蓝色钢笔字迹圆润清晰,这是作家沉静下来完全投入创作的标志。