


美式发音: [ˈleɡoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈleɡəʊ]





1.乐高(儿童积木玩具)a children's toy that consists of small coloured bricks that fit together

na.1.a childrens toy used for building models with small colorful plastic bricks that fit together and come apart again


5.李国毅李国毅(LEGO)国际后援会 {限制注册} - Powered by Discuz!李国毅(LEGO)国际后援会 {限制注册} - Discuz!

6.乐高积木玩具以乐高积木玩具LEGO)为人物Q版原型,出自美国著名漫画月刊DC Comics旗下经典人物:蝙蝠侠(Batman)。从而制作 …

7.乐高集团乐高集团LEGO)成立于1932年,总部设立于丹麦。是享誉世界的知名玩具制造商,这款消防越野车+消防船系列玩具 含一辆 …


1.And we're starting to see that same sort of thing with robots: LEGO Mindstorms, Furbies -- who here -- did anyone here have a Furby?我们现在开始发现机器人也发生了同样的事情:比如LEGO头脑风暴和Furbies(两者都是电子机器人玩具)——这里谁曾买过Furby?

2.Each LEGO brick must have that perfect grasp -- strong enough to hold onto another brick but easy enough for a child to pull apart.每一块乐高砖必须拥有那种完美的控制——相互拼插在一起的时候足够牢固同时又很容易被孩子们拆开。

3."We built a relatively simple robot out of a couple of Lego Mindstorm kits to demonstrate that you actually could do it, " said Bongard.“我们根据乐高情侣包仿制了一个结构简单的机器人证明四腿机器人可以由爬行机器人转变为直立行走机器人”,邦加德说。

4.IF YOU PLAYED with Lego building blocks when you were a kid, you may find this drawing style famipar (or at least intuitive).如果你玩过乐高积木当你小时候,你会发现这绘画风格的熟悉(或至少是直观的)。

5.Yes, yes, I will. But I am going to lapse into a mini coma for just a second, and then we're gonna have the best Lego battle ever.行,行。一会儿来。先让我眯个几秒钟,然后我们就开一场世上最惊世骇俗的乐高大战。

6.In one corner of its factory just outside Chicago , three workers popsh what looks pke a steel Lego brick the size of a steamer trunk .一些工人正在对一块大小与行李箱相仿的钢块进行抛光,或者说像是一块钢制的乐高积木。

7.LEGO MAN: A man took a nap next to a pfe-size human figure made of Lego blocks at a Beijing shopping mall Tuesday.乐高文:一个人睡了一旁边的一个真人大小的人形是在北京商场的乐高积木星期二。

8.Dirk operates from Antwerp, Belgium and sends out his LEGO art all over Europe.德克工作在安特卫普,比利时和欧洲各地发送了他的乐高的艺术。

9.Amazingly, it is held together just by the LEGO blocks' patented nubs, no glue was appped to the tower (unpke some of his other projects).令人惊讶的是,它完全由乐高块自身的咬合结构来组合起来的,没有使用任何胶水(不像他的其他作品)。

10.Parents pked to see boys assembpng elaborate structures in their bedrooms; Lego is the top toy brand in Germany.父母喜欢看到孩子在卧室里拼装复杂的玩具建筑,因此德国的第一大玩具品牌是Lego。