




1.乐乐妈 乐乐妈 lele ...

2.蕾蕾 爱乐号 游世界 学英语 爱乐奇护照 爱乐奇贴纸 蕾蕾(lele) 欧拉(ola) 拉奇(laki) 娜妮(nani) 皮力(pip)

3.李文乐 ACE 英语 lele 妈妈 Amy 艾米 ...

7.不乐. ... karmen (如果可以“如果”) 2012-07-23 20:26:58 lele 不乐 2012-07-23 20:27:55 ...


1.Lele, with the Institute for Defense Studies, said the satelpte will have various uses for the Indian government.国防研究和分析机构的勒雷说,卫星将对印度政府有多方面用途。

2.Mr. Lele said the most significant aspect of the Chang'e 2 mission was the attempt at a 9. 5-mile-high orbit, a difficult feat.拉勒说嫦娥二号的此次任务意义最为重大之处在于它将下降至9.5英里高的月球轨道上,这是难度很大的成就。

3.Happy Education Lele adopt humane people pving with dogs, a 24-hour care for your dedication to provide top of the baby happy pfe.乐乐快乐教育采用人性化的人犬同住、24小时的全心呵护为您的宝贝提供顶级的快乐生活。

4.Oh, that you talk, I go with you lele!哦,那你们谈,我去带带你乐乐!

5.It was authored by a global team of agricultural experts, led by Uma Lele, a former senior advisor at the World Bank.该报告是由世界银行前高级顾问UmaLele领导的一组全球农业专家撰写的。

6.LeLe: We are going to see a film.乐乐:我们要去看电影。

7.LeLe: Morning, DuDu. It is a fine day today.乐乐:早,都都。今天天气很好。

8.As the boy and the mother stroll past the store counters, the mother suddenly says, "Lele, let's get you a mechanical pencil. "正在母子逛商场的时候,母亲突然说:“乐乐,先买你的自动铅。”

9.LeLe: We are going to have a birthday party for me tomorrow. Would you come?乐乐:明天我家里会给我开一个生日会。你回来吗?

10.To customers, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tung Lele companies.各位顾客,各位朋友,欢迎来到彤乐乐公司。