




1.莱蒙 Lemon 柠檬 Lemmon 莱蒙 Lyman 莱曼 ...

2.柠檬(Pummelo);西柚(Grapefruit);柠檬(Lemmon);香椽或佛手(Citron);四季桔(Tangerine);橙(Orange);金橘(Oval Kamquat)黑或白榄 …

3.雷蒙 wukunwu 吴坤武 lemmon 高翔 zhongqian 钟茜 ...


1.During my visit to Mount Lemmon, he made a trumpeting noise just before he pointed out the first NEO to us.在我访问莱蒙山时,他在指给我们看当晚发现的第一颗近地天体时,向我们做出吹喇叭的样子。

2.Jack Lemmon's son Chris was also an actor, but left the profession for a career that allows him to spend more time at home with his family.杰克.莱蒙的儿子克里斯也做过演员,但是后来改行,从事一个能够有更多时间陪伴家人的职业。

3.I'm turning turning turning turning turning around and all that I can see is just another lemmon tree.而且我能见到的全部只是一棵黄色的柠檬树。

4.and all that I can see, and all that I can see is just yellow lemmon tree.而且我能见到的全部,而且我能见到的全部只是一棵黄色的柠檬树。

5.and all that I can see is just another lemmon tree.(不管我怎么看)它也只是一株黄色的柠檬树。

6.Some areas immediately surrounding the lander would be designated a no-digging "natural preserve, " Lemmon said.勒蒙说,靠近着陆器周围的一些地区被指定不挖而“自然保留”。

7.However, Lemmon recalls, the busy star recognized what his young son was going through. "So, he decided to take me on adventures, " he says.不过,克里斯回忆说,他那位忙碌的明星父亲后来认识到年幼的儿子所经历的酸楚。

8.As Chris Lemmon watched his father lying in a hospital bed dying of cancer four years ago, he reflected on their unique relationship.四年前,克里斯看着身患癌症、奄奄一息躺在医院病床上的父亲,回想他们俩独特的父子情谊。

9.Wherever you went with Jack Lemmon, it was always magical.你跟杰克。莱蒙不管到哪里,都是有魔力的。

10.The team refurbished a long-unused telescope at Mount Lemmon with a 60-inch mirror, small by modern standards.这个小组翻新了莱蒙山天文台一架60英寸镜面的望远镜,用现代标准看,性能实在一般。