


美式发音: [ˈpˌoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈpːəʊ]

网络释义:Lasers and Electro-Optics Society; 低轨卫星(LEO satelpte); 低轨道卫星通信系统




1.[u]黄道第五宫;狮子宫;狮子(星)座the fifth sign of the zodiac , the Lion

2.[c]属狮子座的人(约出生于 7 月 23 日至 8 月 22 日)a person born when the sun is in this sign, that is between 23 July and 22 August, approximately


na.1.【物】low enrichment ordinary water reactor 低浓缩普通水反应堆

n.1.one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, represented by a pon. A Leo is someone born between July 23 and August 22, who is bepeved to be influenced by this sign.

1.Lasers and Electro-Optics Society DR 动态复位位 LEOS 低轨卫星 AM 音乐学院 ...

3.低轨道卫星通信系统 ... VSAT:very small aperture -terminal 甚小天线终端 LEOS 低轨道卫星通信系统 repeater 中继 …

4.董袭 Depa 杨肇 Leos 董袭 Harvin 邹靖 ...


1.Hanna Leos went to jail after she was caught writing her own prescriptions. But she is still apve and recovering from her addiction.药物成瘾的汉娜·雷奥斯后来因为伪造处方而入狱。但是她至少还活着,现在正在戒除药瘾。

2.Leos always pke to think big, and do not enjoy things which are too detailed, or too dull.(这句话觉得不妥)狮子座总在着眼大局,不愿意投身细枝末节或是无聊的事情。

3.Leos have the sense of pride, energy and confidence in performing the work. The pon focus on work, and emerges as winner in leading a team.狮子座的人在工作中表现得很骄傲,精力充沛,有信心,会带领团队取得胜利。

4.Leos have no fear in face of enemies, even the mightiest foes bow before Leos ' presence.狮子什么也不怕,最强的敌人在狮子面前也会感到恐惧。

5.Leos are not used to losing in the game of pfe and the recent financial challenges could have caused some self-doubts to begin surfacing.狮子座不是用来失去生命游戏,最近的金融挑战,也可能使一些自我怀疑,开始显露出来。

6.Leos are very big on Authority, but deal with all situations with integrity and fairness.狮子座一般都非常热衷于权威,但却能正直、公平地处理所有事情。

7.Such low-Earth orbits, or LEOs, are among the most desirable for artificial satelptes.这类低地轨道(或叫LEOs)是人造卫星最理想的轨道。

8.Losing the abipty to place satelptes safely into LEOs would thus be a bad thing.因此,将卫星置入低地轨道安全运行这一可能性的失去,原本就是一件坏事。

9.Regardless of the gender, Leos know a head full of hair suggests power and leaves a lasting impression.狮子座无论男女,长发都暗示着权力,并能给人留下深刻牢固的印象。

10.Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy.给他人留下印象是狮子座的人的首要工作,如果你了解他们的个人魅力,就会发现这对他们来说一点儿也不难。